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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Larry Kramer Has Left The Building...

We're here, We're queer, Get Used to It.  The author, activist, playwright, leader, Larry Kramer has passed. Pieces like this article show reactions.   Without him, there'd be no, The Normal Heart or ACT UP. 

He wasn't a doctor or scientist, but without him & other like-minded people, HIV would still be a death sentence.  People would  be dropping like flies & the mainstream would blame them.

I can get saddened about the passing of many of the famous types from my youth when they pass.  But Kramer had a direct hand in making my life possible.  Without him, HIV would still be in the 80's.  Since  I'm allergic to Zidovudine (AZT), I'd most likely have died 20 years ago.

If you are unfamiliar with this man, especially if you're HIV+, LBG...., or connected to someone who is, learn about him.  Explore his actions & legacy.  He wasn't an easy man, probably not even likable.   But without him, we'd be missing so much & so many.  He was 1 of us, he was gay, an outsider & HIV+.  He faced the hell of being Gay & having AIDS in a very unforgiving time.  Maybe he earned some slack.  He deserves respect & remembrance.

We lost a legendary child.  Good journeys Mr. Kramer, may your next life be glorious & giving.


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