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Friday, January 31, 2020

January Ending...

The 1st month of 2020 is wrapping up & mentally I missed a lot of it.  I was recovering from pneumonia.  Then the issues with my credit card happened.  Little things kept pecking.   I had 2 medical appointments.  I've tried to keep moving.  I don't think I've been that present for most of the month.

Most of it is due to the lack of light.  My SAD hasn't fully kicked in so far, but it's there.  We've had several days of drear & it's getting to me.  I spent most of yesterday very nervous, about nothing & everything.   I don't see a way to fix this.  I've done what I can to make things brighter, but it's also the cold, wetness of the season.  It's very tiring.

That's all.  So long January.  I guess you were a fairly typical month for me.  I need better.


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