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Friday, January 10, 2020

HIV Amnesia...

I thought this piece was about about cognitive issues.  No, it  detailed something very dangerous.   In the study, people with HIV, even those on a regimen, can lose their immunities to illnesses.   This focused on smallpox.  Some participants had been vaccinated against smallpox.   Still, HIV made their T-cells forget their immunity.  

They found similar things in children versus measles, even the flu. This could be devastating.   Any of these childhood diseases or small pox, could kill a healthy person.  For a person with a compromised immunity, the risks are higher.

Read this article.   Get vaccinated against whatever you can.  Give yourself every advantage.  HIV is actively taking them away.  This could explain how I keep getting pneumonia even after having the vaccinations.   At least what I do contract isn't as severe as it could be.


PS - recovery still in progress.

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