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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Last Full Moon...

It got cold last night & I woke to a chilly house.   My breath is steaming after each sip of tea.  I'm trying to be as positive as possible while 2019 winds down.   There are less than 3 weeks left, only 2 til Christmas.  My roomie's birthday is soon.  Solstice is the 21st & Yule will run until the beginning of the new year. 

We're in the last full moon cycle.  It's called the Cold Moon or the Long Night's Moon.   It's announcing the long dark.  

I'm watching birds & squirrels race about in the yard.  They're enjoying the sun & looking for food.  It's nice to see the red birds back.  Some of the Winter birds are showing up.  

Trying to find things to smile about, take care.


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