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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Full Weeks...

The 1st full week of December has passed.   There are only 2 more until Christmas & 3 in the year.  There are a few days in change remaining.  2019 is ending.

I usually feel more about holidays & year endings.  But, this year, I just don't.  I'm not in a bad place with them.  I just feel very removed from them.  I'm not sad or angry, just distant.  I still enjoy the lights & shows.  But, it's more of a reconnecting with the past than enjoying them in the present.

The way we live now, with mostly instant satisfaction has made  holidays seem irrelevant.  The big, eastern syndicate from Charlie Brown's Christmas won a long time ago.  The holidays are just a marketing tool.  Well, Coca-Cola basically made the modern Santa Claus & gave the Peanuts holiday special.  I guess it shouldn't be surprising how commercial it all is.

I do hope you have a good holiday season.  Take care.


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