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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Click Yuck...

I was upset yesterday, I couldn't get to an article on the Washington Post.  The title alleged Facebook was allowing posts with misinformation about HIV.   The material showed up today in other pieces.  CNET & Newsweek   & others covered it.

This wasn't about HIV, it was about PrEP.  Activists are accusing Facebook of hosting ads promoting misleading information about the drug.  They say the pills can cause serious health  issues.  Any HIV med can, including PrEP.  Most meds on the market today can cause health issues, including death.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems the activists are angry Facebook didn't down the PrEP Kool-Aid.  Facebook said the ads don't violate their policies & have 3rd party groups to verify data.  

PrEP may be a helpful med, but it isn't without risks.  Every med carries risk.  Warning people about potential side effects of the med is not being anti anything.  PrEP may help in the fight against HIV, but it isn't THE ANSWER.   PrEP has developed a near cult like following.  Be careful with any info presented about it, for or against.


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