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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

New Year's Eve....

I'm back.  At least the vaccinations help me lessen intensity of the pneumonia.   The hospital sucked.  Most the people were fine, but the building was in poor shape & made uncomfortable.  I managed to get my way out & go home.  That's NYE.


Post for Dec. 30...

Woke feeling worse & went in to see the doctor.  I was announced, yet again, I have pneumonia.   It wasn't the same type as last time.  I was admitted to the hospital.  

This is exhausting, painful & aggravating.


Sunday, December 29, 2019

Sickness Remains...

It's the 3rd day of this stuff.  If I'm not doing better, I'll probably need to go to the doctor tomorrow.  My roomie thinks I might have viral pneumonia.  I would've liked to have made it through the year without getting sick again.  I guess that was too much to ask.


Saturday, December 28, 2019

Still Sick....

I'm still not feeling well.  I hope I get better today.   I'm still incredibly sore.    Here's oping tomorrow is better.


Friday, December 27, 2019


I'm not sure what's wrong with me, but I started coughing last night for about an hour.  That stopped, my body went into spasms.  I'm sore, exhausted & cold.  Hopefully this won't last long.  More tomorrow.


Thursday, December 26, 2019


No matter how great a holiday is, the day after is weird for me.   The post holiday day is like hanging around with someone after an awkward 1 night stand or looking at a half full box of bad pizza.  It isn't as bad as when I was a kid.  The holidays don't have the same build up, anticipation & expectation.  They're no longer this once a year chance at wonder.  For many, they're just normal days with twinkles.  A day of post shopping.  

We had a good outing.  I'm not sure why people were down on the movie.  We liked it.  We ate lunch with a friend.  Then we drove home & crashed.  We're tired & have spent most of our holiday spoons.  It's time to recuperate & move on.

Hello 2020, I see you.  I hope you had a good holiday.


Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas...

The holiday is here & we have plans.  Hopefully they'll go well.  It's a quiet, sunny morning.  It really doesn't feel like Christmas.  It's supposed to be nearly 70 here today.  The temps will drop later in the week,  but for now it's warm.

I need to get around.  I have to get cleaned & eat breakfast before we go.   Today is also the last trash day of 2019.   We're in the last week of the year.  

Take care & have a great holiday.


Tuesday, December 24, 2019


Living with HIV can be overwhelming.  You'll wonder why am I doing this.  There will be days when you're certain you made the wrong choice.  Having things lift your spirit is important.  It's why SAD can be devastating.

I look out my windows a lot at the plants & animals.  They can make me smile.   Red birds & squirrels are flitting about this morning.  Occasionally, I get to read about other things that make it feel there's still some good will left.

I read about 3 instances this week:

  1. A young girl sold cookies & cocoa to raise money to pay off lunch debt at her school.
  2. A church bought a parking lot & hired security so people living in their cars could have a safe place to park.
  3. An LA church paid off over $5 million in medical debts affecting over 5,000 households.
They not affect me or even be near.  At least it shows there are some people left in the world helping where they can.  It shows that local care will always beat some far off charity in whatever-land.   Give local, tend to your own backyard & you might be amazed at the outcome.  


PS - Merry Christmas

Monday, December 23, 2019

Plans Change Maybe...

Our holiday plans tend to be a bit tentative.   What showing of movie or where we'll be after is always a little uncertain until the last moment.  This year will be no different.  The theater's not posting times yet & the friend we were supposed to see after may have to work.   We'll just have to wait & see.  Nothing else we can do at this point.

We're off to go shopping.  Then we'll have to run the van in to have the tires checked.  They probably need air.

Hope your holiday is going well.  Take care.


Sunday, December 22, 2019


It's Yule & Winter is here.   The shortest, darkest days of the year are upon us.  Slowly the days will last longer, but for now sunrises will come later & later.  This is when waking up gets really hard.  Grey mornings are not good for such things.

We'll spend today trying to stay warm.  We'll go shopping tomorrow & run an errand.  Tuesday is Christmas Eve & Wednesday's Christmas movie day.   Best wishes to us & you.  May your holidays be bright & cheery.


Saturday, December 21, 2019

It Has Begun...

Tonight will be bring the Solstice & tomorrow Yuletide will begin.  Winter is here.  It began with a grey, rainy morning.  Having a problem waking up this morning.  

We went out for my roomie's birthday.  She will see her family on the 24th.  On Christmas will see a movie.  Besides  eating, those are out plans.  Nothing fancy, but suits us.

That's it for now, be safe & Happy Holidays.


Friday, December 20, 2019

HIV Talk...

Info about HIV has dwindled.  In the 90s, it was inescapable.  It was quite literally everywhere.  You could be easily be overwhelmed by it.   To the point, it desensitized people. 

Now, we don't talk about it.  We don't educate about HIV.  There aren't ads in the back of magazines.  As the idea of HIV retreated, so did the knowledge.  

Now, there's a rise in misinformation about HIV & STIs.  According to pieces like this, stigma is rising in young people.

Decreasing information, no matter how overwhelming, is never the answer.  Learn to redirect it & present it better.  But, never lessen the exposure to info that could protect a person's life or well being.   Some say it's a scare tactic, OK, maybe.  Better scared & safe than being HIV+ & full of bravado. 

Start honestly talking about HIV again.  


Thursday, December 19, 2019

Wrap Up...

Everything's wrapping up.  TV shows are finished for the fall, shows ended, seasons are winding down.  Solstice is in 2 days, Christmas in 6,  then New Years.  It still doesn't feel like the holidays.  Maybe that's something that no longer happens.   

When I was younger, there was something in the air around the holidays that's just gone.  I don't think it's coming back & that's sad for those that never got to know it.  I hope something fills that space for them, but it won't be jingle bells, ho ho ho, deck the walls, Santa Claus, mistletoe & all that stuff...  Maybe Lucy finally got her real estate.  

Have a happy holiday.


Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Young Minds...

This piece pertains to the brain development of HIV+ children. It's known HIV can cause neurological damage.   Many had hoped with early medical intervention this damage could be curtailed.  This article is about issues arising in HIV+ children on meds, some since 6 months of age. 

The children were behind those without the virus in most areas of neurological development.  There's the physical, the actual nerves & handling of the body.  There is the psychological or how the children functions psychologically, emotionally & socially.  Finally, there is the cognitive areas.  This is how the child handles & processes information or learning.

These children were behind across the board.  More research is needed to determine the extent.  Then, they can alter the treatment.  This won't be an easy fix.  For some, damage has already been done & most likely won't be reversible.  The updated treatments will likely consist of monitoring, regimens & therapy.   This won't be a simple task.


Tuesday, December 17, 2019

2 Weeks...

Only 14 days left in the year, 7 days before Christmas Eve & 7 more before the New Year chimes.   It's not the coldest morning we've had, but with the humidity & wind, it feels that way.   The heaters are keeping me warmish, but killing my eyes & nose.

I wish I could be a bit more in the spirit of things, but nothing feels like the holidays.  We've been watching holiday specials  & I've been posting about it.  Still there's very little holiday cheer about.  Maybe someday, all the holidays will be sales weeks.  They're not far from that now.

I do wish you all Happy Holidays & a bright season.


Monday, December 16, 2019

More Apt To...

Occasionally, I see an article about how people living with HIV are more apt to contract A, B or C...  Yes, we are.  HIV is a virus that makes it easier for you to contract just about any illness or develop any health related issue.   

HIV affects the autoimmune system & therefore you are more susceptible to nearly everything.   Even if on a regimen, your system isn't normal.  You aren't like everyone else, you are  more vulnerable.  It will require more effort & awareness on your part to stay healthy.

This isn't a value judgement.  It's just life for those who are HIV+.   Meds help, but they aren't a cure, nor are they complete.  Get your flu shots, vaccinate against pneumonia, etc...  It's your health, no one else is going to do it for you.


Sunday, December 15, 2019

Grey Nothing...

 Everything's grey this morning.   It'll probably rain tonight & then be colder until Wednesday.  I'm not unhappy about seasonal cold.   The bugs & grass need to die. 

Even though I'm seeing more birds than this Summer, their numbers are down.   I miss bushes filled with blue birds or cardinals.  We didn't even have our mockingbird dramas this year.   The cat's, squirrels & other birds got a reprieve.  

I guess the holiday season is killing off articles.  Mostly I'm just seeing pieces asking for end of the year donations.  Other than that, the well's pretty dry.

That's it for now, take care.


Saturday, December 14, 2019

Only 2 More...

There are 2 more Saturdays left in 2019 & it looks nothing like Christmastime.  It's a bit gray & feels like a cold, wet Autumn more than holiday time.  Meteorological Winter began 2 weeks ago, but the Solstice isn't until the 21st.  So, it's still Fall. Maybe it feels more like the holidays other places, but not here.  

In less than 3 weeks, Christmas will have come & gone, my roomie will be a year older & 2019 will be a memory.  I had hoped 2019 would be a good year, it wasn't.  It could've been a lot worse, but a little more good would've been appreciated.

Best wishes as the year winds down.  Take care.


Friday, December 13, 2019


Costs is still a major detriment for those on an HIV regimen.    I'm not going to post a citation, because they're fairly varied on the matter.  But, inability to afford meds is a major factor in lack of regimen adherence.   The literature states numbers from 14 - 25% of people search for cost reducing strategies to handle their HIV meds.  About half of that can't afford their meds consistently or at all.  

The cost of many medications is too high, with HIV drugs at the higher end.   Many don't have insurance with drug coverage.  Many of those don't qualify for medicaid or ADAP.    I was on ADAP for a while & it was very stressful.  I had to re-qualify every 3 months & didn't know until the day before my meds were to arrive if I had qualified.

Everything aspect of healthcare is overpriced in this country.  Until this is handled, HIV is here to stay.  Too many people simply can't get to doctors, labs, access meds or even have a stable home with food.  HIV has proliferated in part because of this society's indifference to the situation.  I'm not seeing that changing anytime soon.


Thursday, December 12, 2019


I've posted about this twice.  1st, about how paywalls kept me from seeing an article about misleading ads concerning HIV on Facebook.  2nd, I posted the next day, activists weren't mad about misleading HIV info, but about ads concerning Truvada.  Technically, I've posted once more about this issue, I just didn't realize it was related.

This piece is from a law firm's site promoting legal against Gilead for health issues regarding Truvada.  There are other pieces out there as well, but this is what some people are screaming about.  This suit is proposing Truvada & all TDF based medications are less safe.  TDF is an earlier form of Tenofovir.  

This relates back to a post I made about Gilead delaying the development of a safer HIV med, TAF.  A newer, less toxic version of the medication Tenofovir.  Many believe Gilead delayed it to insure it's patent for TDF was extended.

All HIV meds are toxic to some extent.  Is lawsuit legitimate?  I don't know.  The attorneys say, "Yes" & Gilead & PrEP activists scream, "No."  This will either be settled or have to go to court.  This isn't just on Facebook, there are TV ads, web promotions & probably print pieces as well. 

The problem is the allegations might be true.  Or they could be  a strike at Gilead for delaying the safer med.  Either way, this isn't going to disappear.   I"ll try to keep an eye on this.


Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Last Full Moon...

It got cold last night & I woke to a chilly house.   My breath is steaming after each sip of tea.  I'm trying to be as positive as possible while 2019 winds down.   There are less than 3 weeks left, only 2 til Christmas.  My roomie's birthday is soon.  Solstice is the 21st & Yule will run until the beginning of the new year. 

We're in the last full moon cycle.  It's called the Cold Moon or the Long Night's Moon.   It's announcing the long dark.  

I'm watching birds & squirrels race about in the yard.  They're enjoying the sun & looking for food.  It's nice to see the red birds back.  Some of the Winter birds are showing up.  

Trying to find things to smile about, take care.


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Click Yuck...

I was upset yesterday, I couldn't get to an article on the Washington Post.  The title alleged Facebook was allowing posts with misinformation about HIV.   The material showed up today in other pieces.  CNET & Newsweek   & others covered it.

This wasn't about HIV, it was about PrEP.  Activists are accusing Facebook of hosting ads promoting misleading information about the drug.  They say the pills can cause serious health  issues.  Any HIV med can, including PrEP.  Most meds on the market today can cause health issues, including death.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems the activists are angry Facebook didn't down the PrEP Kool-Aid.  Facebook said the ads don't violate their policies & have 3rd party groups to verify data.  

PrEP may be a helpful med, but it isn't without risks.  Every med carries risk.  Warning people about potential side effects of the med is not being anti anything.  PrEP may help in the fight against HIV, but it isn't THE ANSWER.   PrEP has developed a near cult like following.  Be careful with any info presented about it, for or against.


Monday, December 9, 2019


It's hard enough to find articles.  Quite often I can find them,  but they're just behind paywalls.  This is a problem, I don't have cash to pay for every site & I don't want to post about a piece I can't link to & have readers see w/o paying.  

I get angry about this.  HIV is a health issue.  Information over something like this should be as widespread as possible.  But let any of the leading newspapers, journals or news sites get a good piece & you're apt to hit a paywall.   I realize they have to make $.   They could at least offer health info or push decent abstracts.   I wish they'd stop using HIV pieces as hooks to get people to pay for their existence.

Rants over.  I have nothing else for today.  Every article I saw was a pay-for.   Maybe they'll pop up somewhere else.


Sunday, December 8, 2019

Full Weeks...

The 1st full week of December has passed.   There are only 2 more until Christmas & 3 in the year.  There are a few days in change remaining.  2019 is ending.

I usually feel more about holidays & year endings.  But, this year, I just don't.  I'm not in a bad place with them.  I just feel very removed from them.  I'm not sad or angry, just distant.  I still enjoy the lights & shows.  But, it's more of a reconnecting with the past than enjoying them in the present.

The way we live now, with mostly instant satisfaction has made  holidays seem irrelevant.  The big, eastern syndicate from Charlie Brown's Christmas won a long time ago.  The holidays are just a marketing tool.  Well, Coca-Cola basically made the modern Santa Claus & gave the Peanuts holiday special.  I guess it shouldn't be surprising how commercial it all is.

I do hope you have a good holiday season.  Take care.


Saturday, December 7, 2019

Slow Post Morning...

Not much going on this morning.  Even less in the way of articles.  Most are discussing the need for more testing, treatment & prevention.  Many are still railing against the info about Gilead's play with medicine developments.   

This will be brief.  I woke to a chilly, slightly foggy morning.   It's warming up & the fog's lifted.  I need to get cleaned up & fix breakfast, but that's about it for my morning.

Take care.


Friday, December 6, 2019

Gilead Again...

This piece alleges Gilead manipulated the HIV drug market.   It produces the main ingredient in PrEP & several HIV medications.    This isn't the 1st time activist have gone after the company's practices.  

The article asserts, Gilead suspended development of a safer, more effective HIV medication.  It did so until it won an extension of its patent on TAF, a prime ingredient in it's meds.  This allowed the company to basically control prices until 2025.  Only after it won the extension, did it resume development  of the safer med.  That was 5 years laters.  

That wasn't just a 5 year delay on that med, but all others that come in response to it.  If this true, Gilead held the fight against HIV for ransom for half a decade in order to stay ridiculously profitable.   The world suffered for their share holders.  How kind of them.

Give it a read & take care.


Thursday, December 5, 2019

Nothing Day...

We have nothing to do today, good.  Monday was errands & shopping, Tuesday was an appointment in Tulsa, yesterday was more errands & a trip to Fort Smith.   Tomorrow will be at least more shopping.  We need this day of nothing.  

Articles were a bust this morning.  Charlie Brown is on tonight, an annual event for us.   The holidays seem to be mostly handled.   I still need to get food together, but that's about it.  Only 26 days remain in the year.  Time to wrap it up.

Take care.


Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Update & PrEP...

According to this piece & others, the US will provide PrEP meds to the uninsured.  The motto is, "Ready, Set, PrEP,"  how cheery.  Activisist are still unsatisfied, because this fails to consider monthly, then quarterly or longer blood test, needed to use HIV meds.    These tests check how the body is reacting to the drug & HIV status.  They can run $100's + per lab visit.    This program doesn't cover them & taking these drugs without testing is dangerous.  This is a step, but not a home-run.

My appointment went well.  I'm clear for now & my next appointment is in June.  If I'm doing well then, they'll push it out to yearly.  I had a new provider, the last one moved.  The actual time there was fine, the trip wasn't.  There were things we should've handled before.  Next time, they'll get done the day before.  The road construction was awful.  It was at least 1/3 of the 120+ mile trip.  The speed limit was reduced to 50 & it was congested.  It wasn't fun.  Even with leaving pretty early, I barely made my appointment.  

That's all for now, take care.


Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Heading Out...

This is going to be a rushed morning.  I have to get around, take a shower & eat.  Then we have to hit the bank & get gas.  My neuro appointment is at 2 & it's a little over 2 hours.  I need to leave some wiggle room.  There's always roadwork. 

Other than that, everything is going well this morning   It's bright & chilly.  That's about it for now, take care.


Monday, December 2, 2019

Busy Week...

The beginning of the month is always busy.  Besides shopping, bill paying & errands, I also have an appointment in Tulsa tomorrow.  I'm still waiting to confirm the time, but so far I haven't gotten past their phone system.  

This piece is about HIV in rural West Virginia.  It goes into the  virus' spread.  It also details the challenges of dealing with it in rural areas.  It's a professional Op-Ed, but a decent read.

That's about it for this morning.  I'm trying to sort some last minute things out for tomorrow.  Then we'll head out shopping. 

Take care.


Sunday, December 1, 2019

December & World AIDS Day...

It's World AIDS Day.   These pages from UNAIDS, CDC & Newsweek detail more on the day.   The WAD page wants everyone to "Rock the ribbon," to raise awareness.  The UNAIDS details this year's theme of stressing community involvement.  The CDC has a list of resources available.  Newsweek provides the most easily digested information.  This day stresses awareness, education & testing.

Hello December.  Let's try to wrap this year up in a pleasant manner.  I'd really appreciate that.  We're a major holiday down & 1 to go before this year is over.  I wish everyone an easy holiday season, as stress free as possible.
