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Thursday, April 11, 2019


These articles discuss the difficulties & possibilities of new therapies of even vaccines for HIV.  (Article 1 & Article 2)  The 1st articles is from a difficulty perspective & the latter from one of new potentials.  They both discuss the fact that the HIV virus is metamorphic & can alter it's shape or that it at least is present in multiple shapes.  The altering shapes can affect immunity responses.  Interesting reads. 

Had my dental cleaning yesterday.  I went alright.  I didn't see the dentist.  He apparently had some health issues of his own.  Now I need to make an optometrist appointment.    I have an appointment with my primary care later in the month.

We had to pick up a weed-eater.  My lawn person bailed on us last year & his father stepped in to handle it.  Unfortunately, he's pretty old & can't handle much past riding his lawn mower anymore.  So trimming's on us.  Better than nothing.


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