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Tuesday, April 9, 2019


The last couple of months left our household twitchy.  There's been a lot of upheaval.  Just when one thing settles, something else stirs.  We're lucky if they don't come in multiples.  For now, things seem calm, still yesterday was just tense for some reason.  I didn't feel great & I was anxious through the day.   Nothing happened, but my nerves were still rattled. 

I found this CDC pdf.   It's a 2018 report on HIV in Oklahoma.  The data is fine, however, the entire thing skirted an important issue.  In the part about prevention or even treatment, not once was HIV education & awareness mentioned.   It seems the CDC has completely moved away from anything besides testing, treatment & PrEP.  How typical, lazy, dangerous & expected.  Let's make sure Pharma gets a big pay out.

That's all for now.  Take care,


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