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Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Many places in the US have or are considering plans to decriminalize the knowing transmission of HIV.  They feel criminalizing the act is too hard on those HIV+.  BS!  

I've made many posts on this blog about negligent possible exposures by medical professionals.  Those people/institutions were held accountable.  Insurance agencies who exposed people's HIV status were held accountable.  But, an individual should be exempt if they knowingly spread the virus?  NO!   Having unprotected/uninformed sexual interaction with others while HIV+ is basically double-ended rape.    The person wasn't allowed to consent with full knowledge & may face a chronic illness that will impact every aspect of their life.

There are constantly articles & reports over people  (mostly men) purposely trying to spread HIV to others.   These people wanted to spread the virus.  They wanted to harm their partner(s).   That is & should be considered assault.  

Having unprotected sex with a condom may not protect you 100% of the time.  But having sex without a condom leaves you unprotected every time.  This is about consent, awareness & self-protection.  Use a condom.


PS - CVS Pharmacy is back to being a pain.  Hopefully my meds will arrive today.  I think it's time to see if I can transfer to another pharmacy.  CVS is just too much of a headache.

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