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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Well Duh...

I wasn't able to find a good link.  There've been some reports from New Mexico of  HIV transmissions after vampire facials.  I'm sorry people, but this was playing with blood (even if it was your own) & it was never a good idea.  These were "spa" settings not doctor's offices.  There was no reason to believe these people would adhere to the proper level of sanitation.  There's no evidence to support the efficacy of these facials.

If these people did contract HIV this way, they should've known better.  The people offering the service should've known better.   The state should've known better. Failure & ignorance were abundant in this setting.

Take care.


PS - Goodbye April

Monday, April 29, 2019


According to this statement, the conglomerate pharmaceutical company ViiV & Janssen are co-filing an application with the FDA for approval of a once-monthly, injectable regimen.  The injection is composed of a medication from each parent company.  This means they are in final stages of development.  

This could soon be a reality for people living with HIV. Moves like this could change the way HIV is handled. A single, periodic injection would be much to maintain than a daily regimen.  It would require the patient to see a medical professional. They could be better monitored.  This seems like a win.


Sunday, April 28, 2019

Hard Month...

I'm not sure why, but this hasn't been an easy month on me.  I don't feel like I've ever really "recharged."  I feel like I've been on my last reserves.   The month hasn't been horrible, but there's been nothing to boost me either.  It'd be nice to have more sun & a less stress for a bit.   I need to recoup.  

More tomorrow.


Saturday, April 27, 2019

Blah April Morning...

It's another grey morning.   I'm over April, it could leave today.  This month has been such a wet blanket.  I've not been a big of fan of Spring 2019 either.   I need this drear to be gone for awhile, so I can recharge.  

Not much is going on here.  It's supposed to rain again, oh great.  We need to get some yard work handled, but the damned weather has been a piss.  It'll probably have to be handled tomorrow.  It may be the only dry day we have for a while.  I'm hating this April.

That's all for now. Take care.


Friday, April 26, 2019

Final April Friday...

This is the last Friday of April 2019.   I wish this season would remember it's supposed to be Spring.  How can anything bloom, if it's always gloomy?  

It's at least sunny this morning.  Too bad more rain is in the forecast for the weekend.   I have to get around.  I need to  shower & do some stuff, before I head out to Fort Smith.   

That's about it for this morning.  Take care.


Thursday, April 25, 2019

Post Appointment...

I had my appointment with my primary care, yesterday.  Nothing surprising happened.  He didn't have anything new to offer.  I did confirm, the clinic has merged with the hospital.  I'm not sure what this will mean in the long run.   They're saying, besides getting a new nurse practitioner, nothing will change.   I'm not sure I buy that.  No one buys business without getting something out of it.  So, I wait.

I do have to say, that I find my primary's lack of up to date knowledge, challenging.   But, I can't say it's surprising.  Unless you're seeing a specialist these days, many doctors are only knowledgeable in a very limited scope & most of their info is old.  I'm not sure I can do any better anywhere else. So, for now at least, here I stay.

It's raining & gloomy.  Hope your weather is better. Take care.


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Early Appointment....

I'm up early for a doctor's appointment.  I'd love a later time.  But, the later the appointment, the longer the wait.  Still, this is far too early for me.  I'm nowhere near coherent enough to write a decent post, so this is it.  The neurologist's office called & moved my appointment forward.  I'll be there on the 10th.

That's all for now.  Being up this early sucks.


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Gloomy Spring...

During the end of Summer, I dreaded Fall & Winter.  I was worried about having to deal with SAD.  It really didn't happen.  It waited until this gloomy ass Spring.  This season has been darker than Winter.  It's been tense & anxiety filled.  I haven't  enjoyed this Spring.  I barely noticed the flowers that I like blooming.  This crap looks to last into May.  I hate drear.

So much for Spring, take care.


Monday, April 22, 2019

Pharm Trust Issues....

Almost every time I've asked about a side-effect I was experiencing from a medication, I've been told, that drug doesn't do that.  Yet when I read forums online, I see many people taking the same drug having the same experiences.  Doctors only have information from pharmaceutical companies.  These companies often downplay or even omit aspects of their medication that might harm sales.  

This article talks about an ongoing lawsuit against Gilead for failure to be upfront about the potential side effects of many of their medications.   These were based off the med Tenofovir, which is the base for many of Gilead's HIV treatments.  It has been proven to be detrimental for some patient's kidneys and bones.  Never trust big pharma to be honest about anything.  They're just about the money.


PS - Sometime about a month back, I passed 3,000 posts for this blog.   Good for me.  I'm not the best with commitment on things like this.

Sunday, April 21, 2019


It's Easter, maybe it'll actually warm up & stop chilling down.   Not much is going on around here.  A friend was here last night.  We don't get people over often.  The younger cat was just giddy with excitement at the new person.    The older cat, not so much.  

Take care, I hope you have a great Easter.  


Saturday, April 20, 2019


Since the stroke, I've had low energy, hardly any endurance.  Over the past weeks, there's been a lot of weather fluctuations, high allergen levels & weird light.  It's left me fatigued.  Our outing yesterday was long & tiring.  It shouldn't have been, but it was.  I was in bed early & I'm still don't feel fully rested.  This may be my new "normal".  It's somewhat disconcerting.

That's all for now, take care.


Friday, April 19, 2019

Sun & Shop...

Finally, the sun shines again.  Yesterday was miserable with all the rain.   I didn't do that well.  

We have to go shopping & then run an errand, so this will be short.  I didn't seen any new articles this morning.  I forgot to say it yesterday, my meds did arrive on Wednesday.  I wasn't sure they would until they actually arrived.  I need to talk to my doctor about changing where my script goes.

That's all for now, take care.


Thursday, April 18, 2019


It was gloomy most of yesterday & it's been raining for over 24 hours.  It's not been a constant, hard rain, but we're over half an inch.   Today looks to be as dreary.  

This article is another piece over injectable medical approaches to handling HIV.  This injection is different, it uses a developed anti-body & not normal pharmaceuticals.  This might prove interesting.  It could alter how HIV is treated.

That's all for now.  Take care.


Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Many places in the US have or are considering plans to decriminalize the knowing transmission of HIV.  They feel criminalizing the act is too hard on those HIV+.  BS!  

I've made many posts on this blog about negligent possible exposures by medical professionals.  Those people/institutions were held accountable.  Insurance agencies who exposed people's HIV status were held accountable.  But, an individual should be exempt if they knowingly spread the virus?  NO!   Having unprotected/uninformed sexual interaction with others while HIV+ is basically double-ended rape.    The person wasn't allowed to consent with full knowledge & may face a chronic illness that will impact every aspect of their life.

There are constantly articles & reports over people  (mostly men) purposely trying to spread HIV to others.   These people wanted to spread the virus.  They wanted to harm their partner(s).   That is & should be considered assault.  

Having unprotected sex with a condom may not protect you 100% of the time.  But having sex without a condom leaves you unprotected every time.  This is about consent, awareness & self-protection.  Use a condom.


PS - CVS Pharmacy is back to being a pain.  Hopefully my meds will arrive today.  I think it's time to see if I can transfer to another pharmacy.  CVS is just too much of a headache.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Goodish Morning...

I woke up to a nice, sunny morning.  Other than every neighbor mowing, it's still nice.  My allergies will hate them later.  Unfortunately, I'm  playing phone-tag with my pharmacy & doctor's office to get a refill on 1 of my scripts.  I hate this game, it shouldn't be this annoying to get a refill.


Monday, April 15, 2019


Diarrhea is an issue most don't really want to talk about.   However, it's a very common health issue, especially among those HIV+.  HIV medications can actually make it worse.  This piece talks about the issue of being HIV+, taking meds & experiencing frequent diarrhea.   This is a very real issue for a lot of us.  It's not only uncomfortable & at times embarrassing, it can be very isolating as well.  How far can I get from a toilet today? Give it a read.


Sunday, April 14, 2019

Post Storm Yuck...

This Spring has been drearier than last Winter.  It's been harder on me.   I really need  more sun, but that seems to be a rationed resource this April.   The storms lasted most of  the day.  My body is sore from doing the yard work I did.  My left side is not in a good place after that & the storm.

That's about it for now.  Take care.


Saturday, April 13, 2019

Storms Coming...

We're supposed to have storms today.   That could kill the net, so I'll be brief.  I didn't see much in the way of articles.  I handled some yard work yesterday, that the man who mows can't handle any longer (he's old).  I got it done, but it didn't go well.  I'm still winded.  Thankfully, it doesn't have to happen often.  Between  HIV & the stroke, I have little endurance left.  This sucks.   At least the yard is handled for now.

Take care.


Friday, April 12, 2019

Refined Med...

This piece tells of the FDA approving a new combo-pill for HIV.    Dovota is new formulation of 2 existing meds,  dolutegravir & lamivudine.  It's 1 med short (abacavir) short of being Triumeq. 

The med was successful & showed less side effects than the triple combo.   It hopefully will eventually have a lower price tag.  It should also be easier on the bodily systems.   It may just be a reformulation, but it's a step.


Thursday, April 11, 2019


These articles discuss the difficulties & possibilities of new therapies of even vaccines for HIV.  (Article 1 & Article 2)  The 1st articles is from a difficulty perspective & the latter from one of new potentials.  They both discuss the fact that the HIV virus is metamorphic & can alter it's shape or that it at least is present in multiple shapes.  The altering shapes can affect immunity responses.  Interesting reads. 

Had my dental cleaning yesterday.  I went alright.  I didn't see the dentist.  He apparently had some health issues of his own.  Now I need to make an optometrist appointment.    I have an appointment with my primary care later in the month.

We had to pick up a weed-eater.  My lawn person bailed on us last year & his father stepped in to handle it.  Unfortunately, he's pretty old & can't handle much past riding his lawn mower anymore.  So trimming's on us.  Better than nothing.


Wednesday, April 10, 2019


This piece discusses a rise in STIs among PrEP users. These meds encourage sex without condoms.  Therefore other sexually related issues can arise, like STIs, parasites, pregnancy.

I'm running a little fast this morning.  I needed to tend to some yard stuff.  I need to get a shower & eat.  Then I have to a dental appointment.  This is it for this morning.

Take care.


Tuesday, April 9, 2019


The last couple of months left our household twitchy.  There's been a lot of upheaval.  Just when one thing settles, something else stirs.  We're lucky if they don't come in multiples.  For now, things seem calm, still yesterday was just tense for some reason.  I didn't feel great & I was anxious through the day.   Nothing happened, but my nerves were still rattled. 

I found this CDC pdf.   It's a 2018 report on HIV in Oklahoma.  The data is fine, however, the entire thing skirted an important issue.  In the part about prevention or even treatment, not once was HIV education & awareness mentioned.   It seems the CDC has completely moved away from anything besides testing, treatment & PrEP.  How typical, lazy, dangerous & expected.  Let's make sure Pharma gets a big pay out.

That's all for now.  Take care,


Monday, April 8, 2019

Heading Out...

I need to get a shower & go shopping, so this will be brief.   We had more rain last night. Even so, at this rate, we'll be probably  be shy of our monthly average.  Found an interesting newspaper piece over HIV in a Texas county.  It discusses the area's high levels of poverty as a major contributing factor.  Give it a read.


Sunday, April 7, 2019

Brighter Morning....

I woke to brighter skies.  It may not hold, but I'm glad they were here when I was waking this morning.  It makes things tremendously easier.   It looks to be quite warmer the next few days, possibly into the low 80s.  It'll be mid-month before we no longer have overnights dipping into the 40's.  Then I'll feel better about washing & putting away my Winter bedding.  Right now, it's just rolled up at the foot of my bed.  

That's it for now. Oh yeah, saw the bunny again.


Saturday, April 6, 2019

Nothing Much Morning...

I appreciate nothing to do mornings.  Sometimes you need an AM when you're not having to be somewhere.  I was never good with mornings & I'm no better now.  My big event this morning was watching a rabbit that found its way into the yard.  They've been doing that more often since we had less porch cats.  There's been more squirrels as well.   This area isn't safe for them, as if anywhere is safe for a bunny.  We have a lot of strays, cars & hawks.  Be quick little rabbit.  


PS Our 1st tulip of the year has shown.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Morning Rush...

I have a bit more on my plate this morning, so I need to be brief.   It's been dreary & shows no sign of brightening up so far this morning.  I found a blip of an article dealing with HIV transmission & the gut biome.  It was limited but interesting.

Take care.


Thursday, April 4, 2019

Weird Morning...

I went to bed early last night.  I was tired.  Our reasonably well planned morning went to pot because of people's idiocy & incompetence.  We finally finished our tasks, it took an extra hour.   By that point, we were tired & never really recovered.

I woke in the middle of the night.  I was congested & had a fever.  I was drenched from my chest up.  I got up & dried off, then managed to go back to sleep.  I woke to a yelling match outside at about 6:30.  I still have no idea who it was.   If it happens again, someone's getting the police called on them.  

It stormed last night & it's still raining.  So it's dismal out.  I feel off & tired.  I may feel better after I eat & shower.  

That's it for now.  The articles I saw were to iffy for now. Maybe later.  We managed to do what we can with our benefit renewals.  It's on their end now.  More later.


Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Again, So Soon...

Not too long ago, I posted about yet another dental clinic that possibly exposed patients to HIV, Hepatitis & the like due to inadequate  sanitation methods.    It's happened again.   This piece goes into how students at 10 Seattle area schools were possibly exposed.   At in-school, dental visits, improperly sanitized  instruments were used.   This may affect nearly 1,300 students.   All because some people couldn't follow protocol.

Take care.


Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Oral Health...

I don't have much to post about this morning.  We're supposed to warm up again.  It seems April intends on making up for any rain that didn't fall in March.  Over half the forecast calls for storms or showers.  A lot of clouds.  I'm over gloomy clouds.

I don't talk about oral health much, I was pleased to find this article over it & HIV.  It's general, but it could be informative for some.   Hope it gives some insights into HIV & dental health. 


Monday, April 1, 2019

Hello April...

The 1st is here.   This is bill week.  We have to go shopping this morning.   I'll have at least 2 appointments this month.   We hope to have this benefit renewal finished early this week.  It looks like April could wind up having a wet, stormy beginning.  I hope not too badly.  March was about a 1/2" below average for rainfall.  It's the 1st month we've been under in almost a year.   We're still over for 2019, by nearly 1.5".

Not much else is going.  So again, Hello April.  Please play nice.
