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Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Next Phase...


The issue my roomie is facing has moved into the next phase.  With most serious things we confront in our lives, there's rarely just the before & after.  It hasn't been that way for her & won't be from here out.

There was the before, the normal, the expected.  Then the music changed, the notes got jumbled, the tempo became erratic & then a crash.  The before, the normal, was over.

The came the uncertainty, desperate hopes & wishes.  Maybe the music would start again.  Maybe the needle just jumped the track.  But that didn't happen.  Eventually the sounds lessened & emotions sank.   Then the final rest & the piece was over.

Things go forward, but a major section of the band is missing.  The melody isn't right & there are gaps where there should be notes & rhythm.   Maybe the cruelest part of this stage is, like or not, the band does play on.

The piece will never be the same.  Even as new sounds are added & melodies are written.  There will always be the memory of what was there before.  This is just another phase in the process.  There will be more.

Maybe the missing piece has simply moved on to join another song somewhere else.  Maybe the missing part will be heard from time to time in other songs & voices.

I know I'm being a bit vague.  But this isn't my story or my process.  I'm in the audience watching the set be struck.  I don't have much more to write, except the beat goes on. 


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