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Friday, February 3, 2023

The Why Of Tennessee...


To start, the state of Tennessee is as conservative & backwards AF.  According to this article the decision to cut federal HIV monies caught those who were HIV+ or those needing testing, but they weren't the direct target.  Not that the "fine" people of that state minded that them gays got what they deserved.

This piece states the actual targets were Vanderbilt University's transgender health program & Planned Parenthood.   That would've been a loss of just under a quarter million.  The easiest way to do that was to reject the entire allotment.  That makes the rejected monies come to over 8 million.  Those just needing help with HIV matters are going to face a much harder time now.  

HIV isn't a gay disease.  Yet even if it was, that has nothing directly to do with being trans or needing Planned Parenthood.  This is just some hideous group of politicians means to attack people they despise.  Face it, Republicans are a hate group.  They don't care who they hurt in the long run.


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