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Saturday, February 4, 2023

Could've Been...


There are still cold days ahead, but it's warmer today.  The last 2 winter fronts that went through could've been much worse if they'd hit us directly.  Fortunately, they didn't.

I saw a couple of interesting sounding articles this morning.  I'll never know if they were.  They were both behind paywalls.  That may have been useful information that I could've put in the blog.  I'll never know.

So much of life is setting on the coin's edge.  It could've been this or that depending on the tilt.  Sometimes, more annoyingly the coin keeps standing & never falls.  A decision or action, even if not what you wanted can be handled.  That wavering limbo crap is nerve wracking.  You know it can't last forever.   The shoe is going to drop.  

Too much of my live has been lived this way.  As much as I'd like it not to be.  My life has always been too greatly impacted by the actions of others.  Often those not even near me.  It's a chaos I have no kindness for, but still it's better than the waiting.

My life, this country, the future, all of it could've been better if not for the decisions of some people.   I'm not trying to shirk responsibility, but existentialism is a load of crap.  No one, no entity, has that much control over its life, well being or future.  The best we can do is roll with it & play our cards to our best advantage.  Even if it pisses other people off.


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