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Saturday, February 25, 2023

Again WIth Stigma...


There were articles over the HIV stigma today.  It's important to educate people about the virus & those living with it.  Attempting to directly confront stigma is a lost cause.  The discrimination against those with HIV has been here since the beginning, it's not going anywhere.  Those links go to Wiki pages with a lot of information about both topics.  

Many misunderstand the concept of stigma.  It's not something that can educated away.  Nothing stigmatized is ever completely free of it.  There will always be those holding to them.  There's always been the other.  This is an Us vs Them thing.   

In a Seussian manner this is a Sneetches fight over stars.  Stigmas aren't rational & can't be reasoned away.  They're like energy; they can altered, lessened or redirected.  But, stigmas will never be completely eradicated.  Doubtful, ask someone who's Jewish, left-handed or a owner of black cats.

Focus your fight on what can be done.  The crusade against stigma is a thief.  It steals resources, time & hope.   It's the mountain you can't change.  So go over, around or through it.  But, don't give it any more of yourself than you have to.


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