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Sunday, January 9, 2022

Something's Up...


We had a pet bed.  It was in my room for a while.  I washed it last Spring & put it away for the season.  When I went to get it this Fall, I noticed some tears in it. We stuffed it in a pillow case & it went to my roomie's room.  After a while, it started causing her allergy, itch issues just having it near.  We decided to toss it.  I put it in a trash bag last Sunday.  

By the next day, the left side of my face & eye were swollen.   At 1st, I didn't suspect the bed.   I thought I'd had bad allergies or I'd slept with my hand under my face.  But even as the swelling went down, other issues lingered.   I was having a lot allergy, energy & digestion issues.   

We didn't think about it until last night.  I think the pet bed was toxic.  I looked them up & there is a problem with cheap pet beds from China.  Some are full of toxic materials that could quite easily affect animals over time.  The bed was in my room for quite a while & didn't bother me.  I think when it got torn, it let the interior materials leak out & that was the problem.

Lesson learned, don't by cheap materials from China.  They may not meet safety codes anywhere else in the world.  Walmart no longer carries this kind of pet  bed.  I need to check where things are from.

That's all for now, hope we get to feeling better soon Take care.


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