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Sunday, January 16, 2022

Snow On The Car...


I've don't understand how meteorologists measure snowfall.  It's not like rain, it doesn't fall even.  Even without wind, there are dunes.  I estimate by how much is on the car.  

It's supposed to warm up today.  So far, that hasn't  happened.  I got the tougher bristled broom & swept off the step & car.  There was over 3" on the car & about 2" on the step.  So, I'm guessing we got between 2 - 3+" of snow.

Hopefully, it'll melt off today.  Nothing stuck to the roads.  They're almost dry.  OK, we've had our 2022 snowfall, check.  We don't need another until 2025.  

That's all for now, take care.


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