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Sunday, January 2, 2022

Moving Up...


When I started my HIV treatment with Tulsa OSU Healthcare,  I had several people revolve in & out.  Some were staff that changed positions, many were interns/residents.  But in the beginning, it was  Doctors Damon Baker & Johnny Stephens.  Baker  was the primary push behind HIV at OSU & he was there when their telemedicine started.  I saw those 2 every 3 - 6 months.  Stephens was the pharmacist.  In fact,  he's the only person I've never doubted when it came to HIV & the regimens used to treat it.  His knowledge & the way he carried himself, made this much easier.  Most other people, including doctors, are idiots when it comes to HIV & the various HIV medications.

Dr Baker moved on several years back.  He's now a big player in OSU medical school.  He's been a major  face in the Tulsa area fight against COVID.  I'm thankful for what he's done for me, but I'd rather still have him as my doctor.  I'm greedy that way.

This article is about Dr Stephens.  I haven't  seen him in years, but he's the reason my treatment is on the path it is now.  Again, happy for all he's accomplished, still wish he was my pharmacist.  Good people in medicine are hard to find.

That's all for now, take care.


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