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Saturday, January 1, 2022

OK 2022...


2022 began with a lot of noisy rain.  There were also fireworks.  January has started off grey & wet.  I choose to look at as if we've nearly met our monthly rain averages early.  Look at me  trying to be positive.  How rare.  We've had almost 1.5" already this year.  The monthly average is only a little over 2" for January. The rain's supposed to last until this afternoon.   I'd like some sunlight, but I doubt that'll be a thing today. We're heading into some frigid temps for a while.

December closed out 2022.  It had some markers in for me.  Christmas Eve 2021 was the last time I spoke  to my father.  He died 9 days later.   Alice cat passed on the 27th years ago.  Another anniversary was that somewhere in early December 1999, I smoked my last  cigarette.   That's 22 years of not smoking.  That's longer than I was a smoker.  

That's all for now.  Happy New Year.


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