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Sunday, November 7, 2021

Time Change...


This morning is about 1 thing, the time change.  It was time to fall back. I took the chance to get some more sleep.  That isn't easy for me.  I apparently needed it.  Normally if I sleep over 7 - 7.5 hours, I wake up groggy & sluggish, not this morning.  

That's about it.  I'm still not fully awake & it's a little chilly.  At least it's a bright day.  I'm not sure what's going on outdoors.  Normally, by now, I'd have little  birds flitting in the leaves & squirrels hiding nuts.   I haven't seen any yet.  Then again, I saw some bulb flowers that should've bloomed early to mid Summer poking themselves up 2 weeks ago.  The seasons are off & nothing's in sync.

That's all for now.  Hope the time change went well for you & take care.


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