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Friday, November 5, 2021

COVID Pills & Shots..


This piece talks about newer methods to combat COVID.  It details 2 oral medications & previous injections.  While the vaccination remain the best option in fighting  COVID, there are options when you have it.  Remdesivir from Gilead lead the way early on, but has been shunned.  Now we have the Regeneron  injection from Regeneron Pharm.

There are the 2 oral medications.  Merck came 1st.  According to this piece, it cut the hospitalization & death rates from COVID 50%.  In the 1st piece it details Pfizer also developing an oral medication using the HIV antiviral Ritonavir.  This med dropped hospitalizations & deaths by 89%.

I'm not sure the length of the regimen & the vaccine is still more effective.  At least there are options for those exposed.  I know 1 other thing.  The vaccine is free.  There medications aren't.  Save yourself from  such a danger of contracting COVID.  Even if you do once vaccinated, your chances are far better not to  get a serious case or be hospitalized.   Your wallet will thank you.

There are good articles.


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