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Sunday, November 14, 2021

HIV Pro Ed...


HIV education & awareness is the most fundamental  aspect of the fight against the virus.  Without this, there is no war on HIV?AIDS.  So why is it so few people, including health professionals, receive  adequate education about the illness?   

This piece is an overview of a survey given to emergency room nurses concerning HIV screening.  Almost half of these nurses never offered HIV testing in the emergency room.  Almost 1/3 of the nurses thought HIV screening in the emergency was of little or no importance.  Only 1/4 reported adequate education over HIV during training.  Half reported little to very little education concerning the virus during their nurse training.

Is this academic oversight, stigma or professional inadequacy?  Who knows?  It shows HIV education is lacking at every level involved with fighting the virus.  If nurses aren't well educated about the matter, how can we expect lay people to be?

Take care.


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