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Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Goodbye November....


That's it for November 2021.  I don't have a lot to say good or bad for the month.  It just sort of was & not much more.  I think I've removed myself so much from things, I don't really feel much about them at all.  There's been so much beyond my ability to influence for the last couple of years, that I've just let go of it as much as I can.

With tRump, COVID, anti-vaxxers & all the other negatives I've just said F**k it.  Now there's a new strain of COVID,  joy.  Maybe this time it'll off the anti-vaxxers.  I'm starting to think that's only way this will  all end.

Goodbye November, you were alright.  Until next year.


Monday, November 29, 2021

Wrapping Up November...


This week will be a little busy for us.  We have a couple rounds of shopping & some errands to handle.  My roomie will have a friend over midweek.  Then we have to start 1st of the month stuff.  Most of that'll get handled on Friday, some will have to wait until the following Monday.  So far, Friday is when we plan to get our boosters.   We'll call later to make sure that's a go.  If not, we'll get them when we can.  

That's how November will wrap up for us & December will begin.  Unless anything else falls in our laps.   We're less than a month from Christmas & just a little over that until 2022. If you have stuff you need to handle this year, now's the  time.


Sunday, November 28, 2021

Almost A Wrap...


November is almost over & that leads into the last month of 2021.  This week will be busy, it's  the 1st of the month during the holidays.  Sometime soon, we'll get our COVID boosters.   Hopefully it'll be the last round for this.  I'm not betting on that though.  The way these anti-vaxxers are going, we'll probably have variants until they all die off.  If that's going to be the case, I wish they'd get to it.

We rotated out decorations yesterday.  We went from our minimalist Thanksgiving motif, to our slightly more abundant Christmas fare.  We don't do a lot.  We have cats & don't want the cat/tree drama.  We put up a few things, where we'll see them & maybe they make things more festive. 

That's all for now, take care.


Saturday, November 27, 2021

Not Articles...


Occasionally I see articles that sound interesting, except they aren't articles, they're unsupported statements or opinions.  Badly written pieces don't make articles, most of them aren't even well constructed OpEd's.

I saw a piece inferring it would cover racism in the  medical setting & how it impacted the treatment of HIV+ people of color.  The lengthy article said stigma & prejudice were present for ethnic patients, it never supported.    

When dealing with HIV; stigma, discrimination & prejudice are always a fear & too often a reality.   This article implied it was going to cover such matters, it  didn't.  It simply stated it happens & it's bad. 

There was little actual research noted & I'm not certain where the few stats  cited came from.  This wasn't an article.  It wasn't an OpEd.  It was a  distraction.  People, learn to actually write articles.  Start by learning to write basic essays; have a point, make it, support it, then conclude.  These articles should be as brief  & concise  as  possible.

Take care.


Friday, November 26, 2021

Chilly Friday...


It's the last Friday of November & it got chilly.   I'm glad it's bright out & that it's supposed to warm up a bit.  We have to go shopping, so this will be brief.

We plan on getting COVID booster the beginning of the month.  Seems like a smart thing to do.  There's a new variant popping up in Africa.  Who knows how that'll affect things?

I didn't notice any newer articles.  It may be the holiday stuff happening.  Take care.


Thursday, November 25, 2021



It's Thanksgiving in the US.  I have to get around & get ready.  Besides cooking, I still need to shower.  Luckily trash actually ran & for that I'm grateful.  Other than cooking & such,  that's it for our day.

Happy Thanksgiving & take care.


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Last November Wednesday...

It's the last Wednesday of the month.  We need to call & make sure the trash is running tomorrow.  It usually does on holidays, but it's skipped it a couple of times.  There are a few errands later this afternoon.  Mostly, we just have to get everything ready for cooking tomorrow.

That's about it for us.  Looks like there's going to be rain tonight & it'll cool down a lot tomorrow evening.  It's not going to be fun on Friday morning.

Take care.


Tuesday, November 23, 2021



After getting up early yesterday, running errands, being cold & having a difficult time with Suddenlink again, I overslept  this morning.  I didn't look for articles this morning.  I still have to get a round, get showered, then run more errands. 

Yesterday's appointment went well.  At least it went faster than usual.  The doctor's probably trying to  get  out the door for the holiday.

That's it for now, take care.


PS - Of course Windows wants to update again.

Monday, November 22, 2021



I don't have much time this morning.  I have an early doctor's appointment & I need to get around.  I hate being up before the sun's up.  After that, we have to go shopping & handle some errands.  This is it for now.  Take care.


Sunday, November 21, 2021

Grey Sunday...


It's very dreary this morning.  It was supposed to rain, but I don't think it did.  We'll probably be short on rain again this month.  This has not been a fun Fall. 

I didn't see newer articles this morning.   The holiday is just days away.  A lot of people could be out for that.  It'll probably be light for the rest of the year. 

I have a doctor's appointment in the morning.  It's just a regular meeting, nothing special.  I hate that I need regular meetings with him.  It has to be hellishly early or else his wait times are horrible.  The later you go, the longer the wait.  Even his earliest times wind up waiting.  I find it very rude, arrogant & unprofessional.

That's all for now.  I'll get around after I  finish waking up a bit more.  Take care.


Saturday, November 20, 2021

6 Left..


Counting today, there are only 6 Saturday's left in 2021.   Thanksgiving is this week. I have the food bought.  But it'll mostly be a different dinner for us more than a holiday meal.  Due to COVID & other matters, what little holiday traditions held by those near me have eroded.  I bet a lot of people are finding that stepping away from things is a lot easier than stepping back into them.  

Normally by this time, I'd be hoping the upcoming season would be nice & the new year would bear the proverbial good tidings.  I'm not this year.  Part of me just isn't really registering the time of the year.   Another part has just given up good years.  I'm not overly depressed.  I'm just tired of having expectations that never come to be.

For those of you celebrating the holidays, I hope they go well for you.  Just don't expect 2022 to be better.  Everything crappy since 2019 is still hanging on with death grip.  

I have a doctor's appointment Monday morning, then thanksgiving & that's about it for November.  Take care.


Friday, November 19, 2021

Cold Friday...


It's not as cold as it's going to get, but last night was the 1st time we had to leave faucets dripping this season.  It's already warming up.  We'll be above freezing for the next several days.  For now, it's cold. At least the sun's shining.

We have to go shopping & I need to get a shower.  This will be it for now.  There weren't any new articles topics.  I guess I'm caught up for a bit.

Take care.


Thursday, November 18, 2021



Since their approval in the US & other countries, There's been talk of moving from daily pill regimens for HIV to injections.  There have been articles over how the UK & Scotland are starting to move towards the injection as a 1st line approach over pills. 

This could change a lot for people.  Getting a periodic injection could alter how many people adhere to their regimens.  This could help a lot of people.

As for myself, I haven't been offered anything like this yet.  I doubt I will for a while.  The price point will have to come down before it's offered to me.  Even then, I want it to be out there for a bit before I go for it.  This most likely is the next full step in HIV treatment.   


Wednesday, November 17, 2021



Every article I saw this morning was over what I  posted about yesterday.  I expected that.  Every time something big happens, there's a flood of articles trying to put in their spin on it.  From what I  can tell,  there's still no more info on the woman whose body may have rid itself of HIV than there was yesterday.   It's going to take some time to get any real answers.  Until then, these articles will be repeats, Op-Eds & supposition. 

Hopefully, it'll be a quiet day.  Windows tried to push 11 on me this morning.  That's not happening for quite a while.  That's all for today, take care.


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Maybe Possibly...


This article is only the 1st of a flood to come on this matter.  

A woman in Argentina has become only the second documented person whose own immune system may have cured her of HIV.

The rest of the article details this phenomenon.  The details are still sketchy.  This women will have to be monitored to study the permanency of the "cure".   

This is big, strange news.  Albeit, it was what the researchers wanted.  They probably saw this is their unicorn in the distance, a goal they'd never meet.   It's uncertain what any of this will mean for HIV treatment or medicine in general.

That's all for now, take care.


Monday, November 15, 2021

Another November Monday...


Other than shopping, we don't have much to do this morning.  I'm pretty glad for that.  I haven't been handling this seasonal shift well.  I've not felt that great the last few days.  At least it's bright out this morning.  That makes a big difference.

I still have to shower & get around.  There weren't  any articles of interest this morning.   The aggregators are masters of rehash & uselessness.  That's all for now, take care.


Sunday, November 14, 2021

HIV Pro Ed...


HIV education & awareness is the most fundamental  aspect of the fight against the virus.  Without this, there is no war on HIV?AIDS.  So why is it so few people, including health professionals, receive  adequate education about the illness?   

This piece is an overview of a survey given to emergency room nurses concerning HIV screening.  Almost half of these nurses never offered HIV testing in the emergency room.  Almost 1/3 of the nurses thought HIV screening in the emergency was of little or no importance.  Only 1/4 reported adequate education over HIV during training.  Half reported little to very little education concerning the virus during their nurse training.

Is this academic oversight, stigma or professional inadequacy?  Who knows?  It shows HIV education is lacking at every level involved with fighting the virus.  If nurses aren't well educated about the matter, how can we expect lay people to be?

Take care.


Saturday, November 13, 2021

Rising Again...


This blip of an article has a link to a podcast/radio broadcast.  Both are over the rising HIV rates in Philadelphia due to IV drug use.  During the pandemic, measures & resources in the fight against HIV have been scaled back to handle COVID.  This has allowed some to fall through the cracks.  There's been a increase in various self-medicating techniques during the pandemic, including IV drug use.  This has lead to a spike in the HIV rates in the area.  

This isn't surprising.  We've heard about a lot of people using less than ideal means to cope with the pandemic; indulgent eating, spending, drinking,   using drugs, etc...  As a society, we weren't ready for something like COVID on any level.  Perhaps the average person was the least prepared for such an event.  Especially, the social, emotional & psychological impacts COVID.

All we can do, is try to reach out & help people put their lives back together however that may be.  That's all for now, take care.


Friday, November 12, 2021

Insensitive Maybe...


Some may find me insensitive on this matter, but here we go.  I live in a rural area.  Until telemedicine came along, I had to drive over 120 miles to get to the nearest place that handled HIV.  There weren't & still aren't support groups/agencies in my area.  There is no special support for HIV here.  Yet, I got to my doctors, labs & took my meds.   It took a lot of effort on my part & friends, but it happened. 

I can understand when they say people in less developed  areas have a hard time getting treatment. There's the logistics, monies & other issues of the area to consider.  But here, in the US, especially in urban areas, there are options.

So, why is it I often read about Black & Hispanic populations being so behind in treatment?  It's most  often worse with males.  Still, many of them are  urban & should  have access.  They're just not taking  the help being offered.   That's not a medical issue, it's  a cultural problem.  That's something for a social  worker or someone else, not a doctor.  If someone doesn't want help, fine, but stop being a spreader. 

It doesn't matter what your gender, sex,  race, etc.. is.  If you are an adult, it's on you to make sure you get what you need to stay healthy.  If you let stigma impede your treatment, that's not on doctors or clinics.   Make a choice, you can be someone who's accepted & dying or you can live.


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Quiet Morning...


It's bright & quiet this morning.  After the storms we  had last night, it's a welcome change.  Nearly an inch  of rain fell.  We're still low for the month, but I'd like if most of our rain didn't fall in a couple of sessions.  That leads to floods.

It's Veterans' Day, so there won't be any mail.  We  don't have plans today.   Hopefully, this will be an easy day.  

That's all for now, take care.


Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Strange Winding...


This has been a strange year & an odd month.  November's a 1/3 gone & it doesn't feel like it.  It doesn't seem like we're waist deep in the holiday season.

There's 15 Days until Thanksgiving, 45 days until Christmas, 51 until New Year's Eve.  There are only 52 whole days left in 2021, not even 2 months.  It doesn't like the holidays.  It doesn't seem like anything at all.  It's just strange Fall day that doesn't know what to do with itself.

I'm not dealing with holiday issues this year.  I'm not even registering they're nearly here.   Good or bad, holidays used to mean something.  That's been changing for years.  For the last couple of years, they  haven't made a blip with me.  It's just odd.  I'm used to having my issues with them, but not noticing them at all wasn't part of the problem. 

Way to go everyone, we've basically killed the holiday spirit. 


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Not As Bright...


It's not as bright this morning & it looks like the clouds will be here for a while.  I'm not happy about that.  At least it's not dark or raining.  

Yesterday went better than expected.  On top of our normal Monday errands, the car had to go to the mechanic.  It needed an oil change & fuses replaced.  It went a smoother than I thought it would.

I don't have to do much this morning.  But my roomie has an appointment.  After that, it should be a mostly nothing day.  I'm fine with that.

That's all for now, take care.


Monday, November 8, 2021

November Busy Morning...


We're in a bit of rush this morning.  We have errands to handle throughout the day.  I didn't see any notable articles.  Hopefully today goes well & doesn't wind up being an issue.  We've had enough of those for a while. More  tomorrow.


Sunday, November 7, 2021

Time Change...


This morning is about 1 thing, the time change.  It was time to fall back. I took the chance to get some more sleep.  That isn't easy for me.  I apparently needed it.  Normally if I sleep over 7 - 7.5 hours, I wake up groggy & sluggish, not this morning.  

That's about it.  I'm still not fully awake & it's a little chilly.  At least it's a bright day.  I'm not sure what's going on outdoors.  Normally, by now, I'd have little  birds flitting in the leaves & squirrels hiding nuts.   I haven't seen any yet.  Then again, I saw some bulb flowers that should've bloomed early to mid Summer poking themselves up 2 weeks ago.  The seasons are off & nothing's in sync.

That's all for now.  Hope the time change went well for you & take care.


Saturday, November 6, 2021

Brighter Morning...


It's brighter & supposed to be warmer.  We've  edged near freezing the last 3 nights, but didn't need to leave the faucets dripping.   We left the kitchen heater on low those nights.  It kept the house a warmer, but also dried it out.  I've woke more dried out every morning it's been going.  

The time change is tonight.  I hope I adapt to it better than I did in the Spring.  I never really got past it this year.  Here's hoping for a decent Winter.

That's all for now, take care.


Friday, November 5, 2021

COVID Pills & Shots..


This piece talks about newer methods to combat COVID.  It details 2 oral medications & previous injections.  While the vaccination remain the best option in fighting  COVID, there are options when you have it.  Remdesivir from Gilead lead the way early on, but has been shunned.  Now we have the Regeneron  injection from Regeneron Pharm.

There are the 2 oral medications.  Merck came 1st.  According to this piece, it cut the hospitalization & death rates from COVID 50%.  In the 1st piece it details Pfizer also developing an oral medication using the HIV antiviral Ritonavir.  This med dropped hospitalizations & deaths by 89%.

I'm not sure the length of the regimen & the vaccine is still more effective.  At least there are options for those exposed.  I know 1 other thing.  The vaccine is free.  There medications aren't.  Save yourself from  such a danger of contracting COVID.  Even if you do once vaccinated, your chances are far better not to  get a serious case or be hospitalized.   Your wallet will thank you.

There are good articles.


Thursday, November 4, 2021



Yesterday was annoying.  It was cold, dark & doggish.  The trash hadn't been at the curb for an hour before the neighbor's dogs decided to tear into our trash.  I fixed & they came back several times.  I tried to talk to the neighbor, but they didn't answer the door.  I finally called the cops.  I don't know if they managed to do anything.  They finally picked up the trash this morning.  That's over for at least a week.  

It's brighter this morning.  Which is nice.  It's supposed to be at or near freezing for the next  couple of nights.   If I had a vote, that wouldn't happen, but I don't.

That's all for now.  Take care.


Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Again WIth The Dark...


I don't wake up well in the dark & that's all we've had for a few days.  Apparently it's,  No Sun November.  We have to handle 1st of the month stuff this morning.   I hate it when it falls  on Wednesday.  We already have  enough to do then.

I saw a few articles over injectable meds & PrEP.  The whole point of  the pieces was that the injection was easier to conceal then meds.  Making it  easier  for people facing stigma over their   HIV status.  Well, duh.  Of course it's more private.   I get the point of the pieces, but that was all they had.   Those were blips being passed  off  as  articles.

That's all for now, take care.


Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Dark November...


This will be short this morning.  I hate waking to drear.  It was dark & chilly.  Just a taste of the rest of the week.  It's supposed to get colder & wet.  Just great.   

We have some errands today & tomorrow.  Things  need to get done.  Anyway, I'm trying to finish Winter  prep.  I'm switching out the bedding this morning.   That meant flipping the mattress, which is never fun. I need to  get  around, so this is it  for  now.

Take care.


Monday, November 1, 2021

November Breaking...


It's November.  2 more more months of this 2021 mess.  October was not a good month for me.  I've hit SAD early.  I might have moved out of it but things kept piling on.  Things to do & fix keep piling up.  Everything seems to be breaking.  I'm floundering & I know there's not a lot much more I can handle.  It takes a lot for me to leave my room in the morning.   Everything & everyone is going to have to handle their own crap, I can't for a while.  Maybe if things back off for a bit, I can pull myself back together.  If not I'm just going to stay in my room & scream at everything.

Goodbye October, you sucked.  Hello November, I'd  love  it if your were better.  I doubt that will happen, but it'd be nice.  For now, the part of me that holds it together & does things is closed for business & I'm not sure for how long.

I hope everyone else had a better October & will have a good November.  Take  care.


Belated Halloween...


I'm not sure if this was blogger or me.  Yesterday's post didn't go through.   Maybe I forgot, I don't know.  I hope everyone had a great Halloween.

Goodbye October, you were  not a  good month for me.  Do better next year.
