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Sunday, September 12, 2021

This Group, That Group...


I see articles about the need for more study, funding & understanding for HIV & nearly every fringe or minority group with HIV; ethnic, trans, foreign, polka-dotted...  What bothers me is there are 2 groups that receive no where near the attention they should.  

1st, there are biologically born women.   I mean actual girls born with female reproductive systems.  They count for over half of the world's population, but only a small percentage of any medical research is done directly regarding them.  It's worse when it  comes to HIV/AIDS  studies.

Then there are the 50+ folks.  For  years now, we've known this is the largest group of people living with HIV.  The greying of HIV; those long-term survivors & frisky, risky elders.   Eww... no one wants to study old people.  

So back off all the clamor over the trendy fringe  groups & focus on the larger picture; actual women & those 50+.  You can't fix the issues regarding HIV in the ethnic & trans populations. Those are social psychological matters, not medical. 


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