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Thursday, September 16, 2021

New Encroachers...


Throughout the year, we battles various bugs in the yard & house.  Every time someone sprays the great bug shuffle begins.  With few exceptions, I'm not  fond of most  bugs.  Yes, they're necessary, but they don't need to be near me.  We get water bugs, fleas, fire ants, bees, wasps, june bugs, weird little beatles, etc...  Most of which are pests when they're in the house.  

However we  have new encroachers.  I'm not sure if it's just 1 or 2 types.  This area has a lot  of  lizards, but lately they've been getting bold & coming inside.   We mostly have the typical skinks.   Our cat  caught a skink earlier this Summer.  It was liberated from her mouth & sent outside.  She's mad about that & the cicada I got from her.

Now we have new reptiles.  I can't tell if it's a Lesser Earless Lizard or a Mediterranean House Gecko.  I can't get a close enough to see,  but I think it's both.  The lizard's tail is very stubby like the 1st reptile I saw.  But some move like a gecko & stick to glass.   Either way, they're welcome.  They eat bugs.  But they are driving the cat crazy.  I think she wants to play with them more than eat them.   To her, they're just really interesting toys. 

The problem with having bugs is they always attract predators.  that's  life  in a  rural town. Take care.


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