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Monday, September 20, 2021

Closing Doors...


Summer's ending.  The solstice is this week.  While, I'm ready for cooler weather, seasonal changes always make me anxious.  I never shift between them without stressful hesitation.  I don't know what I'm expecting, but this always happens.  My sleep hasn't been as well as I'd like it the last week.  I'm feeling anxious about Fall after such a dismal Summer.  Things will start changing soon.  Some of them really need to, but this still puts me on edge.  I'm a Virgo, I want  an detailed plan, an itinerary. 

There's a new version of Windows is coming.  There'll be less light.  I'm not sure how my mornings will be as things darken.  Maybe all the new TV will suck.  I can control precious little of this & I try to let it go.  But my mind circles back at it.  I hate Fall.  It always has such promise, but rarely delivers.  I want full size, candy bars & usually wind up with those awful, little, black & orange, paper-covered, peanut butter taffy horror chews instead.  

I leave Fall feeling like Sally Brown & Lucy Van Pelt after Halloween & Christmas; robbed & disappointed.  Maybe this year will be better.  Yeah, like that's going to happen.  For now, I'll just try to keep my head down & not talk to people.  I won't have the strength, kindness or desire to tolerate people & their crap.

Take care.  Hope you have a good Autumn.


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