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Thursday, September 30, 2021

Dry September Ending...


It's the last day of the month.  September is leaving us stuck with ashy smoke,  ragweed & dry air.  Unless we get rain today, the month will be 3.5"+ short of our monthly rainfall average.  It's been hot, dry & pollen ridden.  The town has been cutting trees & digging ditches near the river.  Maybe it's prep for future flooding.  What it's doing now is filling the air with debris.  They're burning the remainder.  Between that & the ragweed, my breathing is rough.

Goodbye September.  You could've been worse, but you could've been a lot better.    Goodbye until  next year.  Try to do better when you come back.  


Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Last Of The September Trash ...


It's the last trash day of the month.   September is nearly over.  The plumber came, there were some slight issues, but so far nothing that can't be handled.  I hate handling house matters, they're always a ball of stress.  

It was supposed to rain last night, it didn't.  The air's sticky right now.  We have rain chances all weekend.  We'll see what comes of it.  Right now were 3"+ short of our monthly rainfall average.  It'd be nice to get the rain.  We have fire bans & lots of pollen.  Rain might clean the bushes up I need to trim.  If not,  they'll be super dusty.

That's all for now, take care.


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Warm Waiting...


I thought I'd found a new article today, but it was research being done with mice.  While, interesting, medical research at that level often never goes further or takes years to come to fruition.   I try not to post on anything so novel. 

We're waiting for a plumber.  The toilet is making noise & we want it handled.  He could be today or tomorrow.   Hopefully, it's an easy fix.

Today is supposed to be the last day in the 90s.  By this time next week, it probably won't break the mid 80s.  I hope the temps don't plummet too fast.   I'd like an actual seasonal transition.  Not the periodic door slamming we've been having for a while.  Then again, Summer barely poked its head in the door, before ducking out again.

That's all for now, take care.


Monday, September 27, 2021

Another Awareness Day...


Today is, National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day 2021.  This piece is about that matter.  If I seem underwhelmed,  I am.  

I understand in the US, HIV has struck hardest in the Gay communities & among those actively MSM.  I get it & in this country that's accurate.  But, it isn't globally.  Around the world, HIV seems most prevalent in those parts of society with less standing and power.  Whether that be Gays, Women, POC, etc...

For decades our society has divided into smaller & smaller groups.  So some people can feel better  represented.   If some groups do have specific issues,  those should be addressed.   If not we should all be treated the same.

I'm male, of Native American descent, Gay, rural,  poor & a host  of  other descriptors.  But, in this matter, a single point should be the focus.  I am HIV+. The virus in my body is what's being treated, not any of those other things.  I'm not saying those other things can't impact my health or treatment.  But those are social, cultural or psychological matters, not medical.

Division in these matters will only do harm.  Unless a biological matter needs to be addressed during  treatment, then it shouldn't matter who we are.    We're all people  living with HIV.


Sunday, September 26, 2021

Last Warm Up Maybe...


The next few days are supposed to be warmer.  By midweek, it's supposed to rain. With any luck, the ragweed will get washed away.  Ragweed needs to go  back the hell it came from.  It's killing my eyes, throat & sinuses.  I'm tired of those little pollen barbs giving nosebleeds, upset digestion & slight fevers.  It's  annoying & exhausting.  

That's all for now, take care.  Maybe articles will  resurface soon.


Saturday, September 25, 2021

Last Of The Warm Saturdays...


The last Saturday of September is here.  It's supposed to be in the low 90s for the next 3 days.  Then the highs will be the mid 80s.  We have a chance of rain midweek.  We need it.  There's been almost none this month & we have a fire ban.  Maybe it'll wash away some of the ragweed.

September's wrapping up.  It was mostly another dud  month.  It's brought me weird, anxious afternoons this last week.  I'm not sure why.  Maybe it's just the light change.  That usually gets me in the morning.  The cooler temps are nice, but I still hate Fall. Autumn's always this promise of pretty colors, flashing lights, candy & presents.  All it usually turns out to be is an anti-climatic, anxiety ridden ball of stress.  

That's all for now.   I"ll try not to get anxious this afternoon.  It's very tiring.


Friday, September 24, 2021

1st & Last...


This is the 1st Friday of Fall.   It's  also the last Friday in September.   The month season's just starting, but the month's closing out.  I really hope it takes the ragweed with it.  The stuff is brutal this year.  Septembers have become such hot, dry months that the pollen just lingers.  

We'll head out to go shopping in a bit.   Before then,  I need to  shower.  this is all for now.   Take care.


Thursday, September 23, 2021

Noisy, Ragweed Morning...


There were 4 trains in less than an hour this morning.   The neighbors were making as much noise as they could muster.  The trash truck came & went.  The birds, dogs & squirrels were all making a racket.  This was a loud morning.  

This morning cacophony needs to end.  It's hard to sleep through that mess.  I'll get more tolerant of it overtime.   For now, it's seriously loud.

That's all for now, take care.


PS - Ragweed won't leave & it's being rough.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Hello Fall...


I'm running late, so this will be short.  It got nippy last night.  We're supposed to hit the upper 40s tonight.  The 1st day of Fall is being far more seasonal than the last day of Summer.   

Part of my browser screwed up this  morning.    I think I found a work around.  Chrome updated last night,  so that probably did in the app I was using.  I hate that.

It's trash day & I'll need to handle some errands later. For now, I need to finish this, get cleaned up & get some  breakfast.  That's my day.

So goodbye Summer & Hello Autumn.  Take care.


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Last Day Of Summer...


It's the last day of Summer.  I'm fairly ambivalent about it.  I disdain most things about Fall, but this was a lackluster Summer.  It counted more as a pissy continuance of Spring.  Goodbye Summer, you failed to do your job, do better next year.

Last night wasn't pleasant.  It  was hotter & more humid  than it  has been for a couple of weeks.  I had to turn on another fan.   It was just too muggy.

This was the 1st really dark morning this year.  It's almost 10 & it's still fairly dim.  It's dark, but there's no rain.  We'll probably be 3"+ short for  our monthly rainfall.  How can something so dry, be so damned humid?  I already hate Fall. I hate the dark mornings.  It's really hard to get around.


Monday, September 20, 2021

Closing Doors...


Summer's ending.  The solstice is this week.  While, I'm ready for cooler weather, seasonal changes always make me anxious.  I never shift between them without stressful hesitation.  I don't know what I'm expecting, but this always happens.  My sleep hasn't been as well as I'd like it the last week.  I'm feeling anxious about Fall after such a dismal Summer.  Things will start changing soon.  Some of them really need to, but this still puts me on edge.  I'm a Virgo, I want  an detailed plan, an itinerary. 

There's a new version of Windows is coming.  There'll be less light.  I'm not sure how my mornings will be as things darken.  Maybe all the new TV will suck.  I can control precious little of this & I try to let it go.  But my mind circles back at it.  I hate Fall.  It always has such promise, but rarely delivers.  I want full size, candy bars & usually wind up with those awful, little, black & orange, paper-covered, peanut butter taffy horror chews instead.  

I leave Fall feeling like Sally Brown & Lucy Van Pelt after Halloween & Christmas; robbed & disappointed.  Maybe this year will be better.  Yeah, like that's going to happen.  For now, I'll just try to keep my head down & not talk to people.  I won't have the strength, kindness or desire to tolerate people & their crap.

Take care.  Hope you have a good Autumn.


Sunday, September 19, 2021

Another September Sunday...


There isn't much going on this morning.  I'm trying to adjust to the morning noise in the neighborhood.  If  it stays constant, I'll get used to it.  For now,  it's a  nuisance.  I managed to sleep through it this morning.  

The temps are finally dropping.  There are still some 90s in the forecast but not many.  The nights have been have been cooler, so it takes more for the day to heat back up.

Fall's here & leaves are dropping.  Too bad ragweed hasn't left yet.  Maybe soon.  Take care.


Saturday, September 18, 2021

HIV Greying Day...


This piece states September 18th is National HIV/AIDS And Aging Awareness Day.  Earlier, it was estimated  that at least half of all HIV cases in the US were in people 50+.  The newer stat has it at 37% of HIV cases are in people 55+.

This is a good article.  It discusses the numbers among this  population.  Reasons why they do & don't  seek treatment.  It goes into some differences for Blacks & Women.  The 50+ age group is the fastest growing group of people with HIV.

Give this a read.  Take care.


Friday, September 17, 2021

Last Friday Of Summer...


This is the last Friday of Summer, hope the weather gets the memo.  Next week is the Autumn Solstice or Mabon. Hopefully, Fall will be a better season, the bar is pretty low.  

Yesterday had some ups & downs.  On the upside, the brush people came on the own & hauled off what I had gathered.  On the downside, that stirred up a of plant yuck.  Part of the lilac has died.  Hopefully, the rest will recover.   We watched a movie that should've been fun, that turned out to be really bad.  Lately, our luck with films hasn't been good. 

I used to have the yard work handled by now.  But, the last few Septembers have stayed so warm it hasn't got handled until October.  Looks to be that way this year as well.  

Summer is ending.   Yard work is closing down, maybe another mowing & bush trimming.   COVID has basically destroyed 2 years.  I don't think there's much hope for the rest of the year, but we'll see.


Thursday, September 16, 2021

New Encroachers...


Throughout the year, we battles various bugs in the yard & house.  Every time someone sprays the great bug shuffle begins.  With few exceptions, I'm not  fond of most  bugs.  Yes, they're necessary, but they don't need to be near me.  We get water bugs, fleas, fire ants, bees, wasps, june bugs, weird little beatles, etc...  Most of which are pests when they're in the house.  

However we  have new encroachers.  I'm not sure if it's just 1 or 2 types.  This area has a lot  of  lizards, but lately they've been getting bold & coming inside.   We mostly have the typical skinks.   Our cat  caught a skink earlier this Summer.  It was liberated from her mouth & sent outside.  She's mad about that & the cicada I got from her.

Now we have new reptiles.  I can't tell if it's a Lesser Earless Lizard or a Mediterranean House Gecko.  I can't get a close enough to see,  but I think it's both.  The lizard's tail is very stubby like the 1st reptile I saw.  But some move like a gecko & stick to glass.   Either way, they're welcome.  They eat bugs.  But they are driving the cat crazy.  I think she wants to play with them more than eat them.   To her, they're just really interesting toys. 

The problem with having bugs is they always attract predators.  that's  life  in a  rural town. Take care.


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Trash Update...


This post won't be as interesting as the title.  It's  another trash day & that means getting things around in a bit.  There was also a Windows update this morning.   I miss the days when you could  install a  program & not worry about updating it.   These things are slow, tedious & often nerve  wracking.    Microsoft, there's got to be a better way.

That's all for now.  Take care.


Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Almost Over...


September is nearly halfway over.  Another week & Solstice will be here.   Mabon will come & mark the 2nd harvest holiday.  Then we'll watch for Samhain  or Halloween.   For now, we're waiting for Summer to  end & go on it's way.

The warmer temps are still with us.  Today should hit 90.  According to the weather sites, we hit 100 F, 2 or 3  times.  If we did, it was just for a blip.  I never saw it when I checked temps.   So, maybe it was here & there for a  few moments in August & September.  But long enough to be  noticed.

That's all for now, take care.


Monday, September 13, 2021

Bloody Allergies...


Running a little late this morning.  I have an issue with nosebleeds.   It's gotten worse since becoming HIV+,  being on the meds & getting older.  They're  mostly caused by dryness & irritation.   Allergies & fans cause both. I used to be able to handle allergy pills like Claritin.  Not so much anymore.  They used to help me out a lot.  Now, they do a little, but almost always give me nosebleeds.  Yesterday, was the 1st day in possibly a year that I took an allergy pill.  My eyes & sinuses dying from the ragweed.  It helped a little.  This morning, I woke to a nosebleed with both nostrils  bleeding.  It took a while to get that handled.  Allergies pills are back on the NO list.

That's all for now, take care.


Sunday, September 12, 2021

This Group, That Group...


I see articles about the need for more study, funding & understanding for HIV & nearly every fringe or minority group with HIV; ethnic, trans, foreign, polka-dotted...  What bothers me is there are 2 groups that receive no where near the attention they should.  

1st, there are biologically born women.   I mean actual girls born with female reproductive systems.  They count for over half of the world's population, but only a small percentage of any medical research is done directly regarding them.  It's worse when it  comes to HIV/AIDS  studies.

Then there are the 50+ folks.  For  years now, we've known this is the largest group of people living with HIV.  The greying of HIV; those long-term survivors & frisky, risky elders.   Eww... no one wants to study old people.  

So back off all the clamor over the trendy fringe  groups & focus on the larger picture; actual women & those 50+.  You can't fix the issues regarding HIV in the ethnic & trans populations. Those are social psychological matters, not medical. 


Saturday, September 11, 2021

Catching Up...


During the Summer, you don't really notice how your  sleep isn't like it is during the rest of the year.   I  sleep differently.  During the warmer months, I sprawl  more  & wake easier.   Let things cool off & there's  less sprawling & deeper sleep.  I"ve had deeper sleep over the last few nights & my body's feeling it.   Soon, we won't need fans.  It'll be nice not to have them blow stuff in the air & drone.    

That's all for now.  The only articles were over how COVID is screwing up everything, especially the fight  against HIV, TB, hepatitis, etc...  Take care.


Friday, September 10, 2021

2nd September Friday...


It's supposed to get AC hot again today.   At least the overnights are staying in the 60s.  That makes a big difference.  Over the last couple of weeks, we've had mornings in the 80s.   That wasn't fun at all.

We have to go shopping & I still need a shower, so this will be brief.  I didn't see any new articles to cover.   I'll look again tomorrow.

Take care.


Thursday, September 9, 2021

Didn't Realize...


After a summer's worth of warmer evenings & muggy mornings, it's nice to have cool, crispness in the AM.   It's been in the 60s for a few evenings & we hit the high 50s last night.   The 1st day or so with these lower  temps, your body just sleeps better.  After  that, you begin to realize how tired your body really is after not sleeping that great throughout the season.

While it's nice to have these cooler mornings.  My body is sluggish while it tries to recuperate after a  summer's so-so sleep.   My roomie, the cats & I all  need quite a bit more of deeper sleep.   

This Summer was a downer.  It had all the low points of the season, but few of the perks.  Oh well, the weather people called it over at the 1st of the month.  Solstice happens in less than 2 weeks.  Summer, you had your shot & missed.  Maybe next year.


Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The Return of Devilweed...


Devilweed, AKA ragweed, has been back for a bit.   It's just in the last few days it became an issue again.  It was making my eyes & throat itch.  But now, my sinuses are an issue.  The weed is blurring my vision, irritating my throat & nose, making my breathing ragged & giving me nosebleeds.  I hate ragweed.  On top of that, the drainage it causes destroys my sense of taste & wrecks my digestion.  Ragweed is from some hell dimension.  It needs to  go back & take the grass & bugs.

Take care.


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Another Good Rest...


We had another cool night which made for for more much better sleeping.  The AC came on late yesterday, in part so we could hear the TV.  Fans are loud. Later this week, there's supposed to be another heat up.    At least the weather has lost a lot of its energy & will have a harder time building up that heat again.  But, it  looks like we could have 90s for most of September. 

We have to handle bills in a bit.  So this is it for now.  Take care.


Monday, September 6, 2021

Crisper Morning...


Going to be a short post.  I need a shower & then we have to go shopping.  This week will be off a bit.  Normally, we'd handle the last part of house bills today.  Due to the holiday, the bank & water  department  are closed.  That'll have to wait until  tomorrow.  

It was a  lot cooler this morning.  Waking to 67 is a lot easier than 80.  It's just as humid.  I'm stiff from oversleeping a bit, but it was needed.   This Summer was a dud & September looks to hold onto the heat  until at least midway through.  Hopefully, the temps will taper off & not crash down like they have the past couple of years.

That's all for now, take care.  For all those celebrating Labor Day, have a good holiday.


Sunday, September 5, 2021

Slightly Cooler Morning...


It rained some last night. It's overcast & a little cooler this morning.  I hope it holds, but it could turn into a muggy mess.  At least the 1st half of the month looks to stay hot, oh joy.

This Summer was a bust.  I don't see the rest of the year getting any better.  There are to many idiots still alive & kicking.  Too bad bug spray doesn't work on them.  They're worse than cockroaches, nasty plague monsters.

That's all for now, take  care.


Saturday, September 4, 2021

Another Muggy Morning...


September got a memo meant for August & thinks it's  supposed to be the hot month.  September has been hotter & brighter than August.   It's probably going to rain this evening.  Maybe that will cool things down some.  Waking up in the muggy temps is draining.   I haven't  done anything & I'm already tired.  I still need to get a shower.

That's all for now, take  care.


Friday, September 3, 2021

Busy & Annoyed....


1st, I'm in a bit of a rush to go handle beginning of the  month stuff.   Then there'll be shopping.   I'm just now getting around.

I'm annoyed I actually saw an article over how condoms help prevent HIV.  It wasn't a piece over statistics.  It was telling how condoms work.  Apparently people no longer get how a condom works & why it can prevent diseases & pregnancy.  

I'm too rushed & annoyed to deal with this level of stupid.  Take care.


Thursday, September 2, 2021

Meh 2nd Day...


This has not been the best morning.  There was a lot  of  noise waking me up & then I overslept a bit.  It's already muggy & warm.  The internet was glitchy.  When all that settled, F'ing Windows had an damned update.  To hell with this morning already.

Other than a ton of technical issues that ate a lot of time,  my telemedicine appointment went well.   My numbers were good.   My next meeting with the is in March.

Tomorrow will be bill day & shopping.  I'm glad that's tomorrow.  This morning is already off to a yucky start.  I haven't even got to shower yet.  September, you aren't supposed to be hotter than August.  Read the memo dammit. 


Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Hello September...


It's the 1st of September.  It's also my birthday.   This will be brief, because the only thing I'm doing today is going to a telemedicine appointment.  That's my life.  I'm celebrating my day with a doctor's  appointment.  It's too early & I'm too spent to even be angry at the moment.  But my birthday wish holds for all those  people who refuse to get vaccinated.  Just die already.  There, candles blown.
