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Monday, May 24, 2021

Stigma Really...


Every year or so, a celebrity outs themself as HIV+.   There's a lot of hoopla, good & bad.  It's seen as  a  revelation, a  truth, a scandal.  Recently  it  was  Billie Porter, before that the guy from Queer Eye or Charlie Sheen.  Shortly after, the "experts" claim this single announcement is breaking down walls.  This bit of info is tearing away at the shame, ignorance  & stigma of being HIV+.

Really?  A few days ago I read about Porter's HIV status & we're already having the "experts" tell of it's great impact on fighting the stigma.  Simply put,  that's BS!

Celebrity announcements concerning any illness may temporarily boost interest & awareness, but there's little evidence to suggest it has lasting impact.  Especially, where  stigma is concerned.  

Stigma isn't about the virus.  Stigma is about control.   Stigma is about someone or some  group  trying to  make themselves look better than another by shaming them.  People have stigmatized everything; being Gay, being left-handed, speaking  native languages, having red  hair, etc...  

There are plenty of famous people with red hair & gingers still get hell.  Left-handed people still face challenges in society.  Native Americans were  beaten & killed for their culture.   Time may lessen stigma, but it hardly ever completely goes away.  By the time it  does, the damage is done.  Celebrity announcements may re-aim the focus, but they won't  get  rid of  stigma.


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