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Thursday, May 20, 2021



I guess most people need to identify with others.  Growing up, I never felt anyone else was especially like me or mine.  I thought that was a good thing.  My life wasn't great & who wanted to be a massed  produced product.  It turned out, a lot more kids had my early life than I knew.  Still, I have no desire to be some high volume print.  I never looked at movies, books or comics & thought, that character's like me.  I didn't  look at  those things to see me or my life.  I dove in to escape, not find familiarity. 

As usual, I'm on the outside of this matter.  Others seem to cling to finding themselves reproduced in fiction or art.  Even when it  comes to HIV.   Every so often a celebrity outs themselves as HIV+.  I'm sure they all have their own reasons.  But, the public eats  it up.  In the past, it was to villainize them, now  people want to celebrate their openness.  They want to see faces they know or connect with have the same issues as them.  I find that a weird, vulturish form of connecting.  

Billy Porter revealed he's been HIV+ for over a  decade.  This morning, 4 out of the top 5 HIV articles  focused on him.  Good  for him, I guess, but not good articles over anything else.  Being HIV+ is weird thing to celebrate.  It seems some people are happy that he's been drug down into the mess with them.  I  don't find this kind or benevolent.


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