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Thursday, May 27, 2021



I'm trying hard not to be in meh mood.   I woke a little around 6 & then again right before 8 as the trash truck went by our house.  It was bright & sunny.  Less than an hour later it's back to being dismal.  This BS is being hard on me.

I come across articles occasionally talking about how the fight against HIV has faltered.  The researchers admit  the numbers are way lower than they had been historically, but not low enough to signal any further significant decline in the population living with HIV.

Even with all the advancements, awareness,  education, condoms & PrEP, it's still holding about the same.  In places like the USA, this can't entirely be  blamed on the medical or drug industry.  The researchers have done their part.  

The pandemic drove things back.  Mostly, this seems to be unwillingness or inability of some people to protect themselves or others from HIV.  There are still people who don't care, bug chasers & intentional infectors out  there.  

In the end, you have to do all you can do to remain safe.  You won't always succeed, but we can do better.  if  we don't, HIV isn't  going anywhere.


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