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Monday, May 31, 2021

Goodbye May....


It' the last day of May.   I can only hope June is a better, less difficult month.   Yes, things could've  been worse in May, but they could've been a lot better & less stressful.  May wasn't a fun or full of sunshine.  

We have to go shopping soon & I need a shower, so this is it.   We may run over to Ft Smith, to grab some things our store no longer carries.  So, this is it for  now.   Take care.

Goodbye May, hopefully June won't suck.


Sunday, May 30, 2021

It was Bright...


I woke to it being brighter.  That didn't last long before the clouds rolled in.  It's not dreary, but it's not bright.  It's been chilly here the last couple of nights, down in the lower 50s.  That's odd for the end of May.  I knew it got colder, a cat was pressed against my leg all night.   That won't happen once it gets warm.   

That's all for now. Take care.


Saturday, May 29, 2021

Not Bright...


It's not sunshiny, but at least it's not dismal.  It's nice to wake to at least some light.  May is almost over.  Until last year, I had 2 siblings who had birthdays on this date.  My oldest sister & next younger brother.  He died last year.  I wasn't close to them, but still it's a little weird.

Billie Porter said the best thing about celebrities outing themselves  as HIV+.  He said doing it helped him.  I can absolutely accept that.  If his announcement lessened his load in any manner, that's actually pretty awesome.  As long as it's not at others' expense, I'll not fault  people for lightening their burdens. So  cheers to you Mr. Porter, may your road be a little  smoother.


Friday, May 28, 2021

Another Evening Storm...


I did some yard work yesterday.  A crepe myrtle is  partially, hopefully not completely, dead.  That wore me out.  But, I slowly recovered.   

At almost 9 PM, the storms came.  In a few  hours they dumped over 1.5".  That puts us about 5" over  our monthly average.  It looks  like we might make it through the rest of May without more  rain.  But there are significant rain chances on the 1st.  

This dark, wet muck of a year we've had so far has been hard on us.  Last night's rains were hard on my feet and back.  This weather's also allowed fleas to  boom.   I had to dose the cats yesterday & it was like a post apocalyptic flea movie.  The fleas were falling off everywhere.  It  was nasty.

That's all for now, take  care.


Thursday, May 27, 2021



I'm trying hard not to be in meh mood.   I woke a little around 6 & then again right before 8 as the trash truck went by our house.  It was bright & sunny.  Less than an hour later it's back to being dismal.  This BS is being hard on me.

I come across articles occasionally talking about how the fight against HIV has faltered.  The researchers admit  the numbers are way lower than they had been historically, but not low enough to signal any further significant decline in the population living with HIV.

Even with all the advancements, awareness,  education, condoms & PrEP, it's still holding about the same.  In places like the USA, this can't entirely be  blamed on the medical or drug industry.  The researchers have done their part.  

The pandemic drove things back.  Mostly, this seems to be unwillingness or inability of some people to protect themselves or others from HIV.  There are still people who don't care, bug chasers & intentional infectors out  there.  

In the end, you have to do all you can do to remain safe.  You won't always succeed, but we can do better.  if  we don't, HIV isn't  going anywhere.


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Raindump & Update...


It rained all day yesterday.  It was a dark, dismal & outright pissy day.  We got almost 3" of rain.  There's bound to be flooding.  It's a little sunnier today.   With this rain, we're  3.5" over the monthly rain average.   That wouldn't be a bad thing if the rain had been  spread throughout the month & not dumped in a week.  There's still 5 more days in the month & more rain chances.

Windows is pushing a new feature update.  I won't install it for at least a  month.   Maybe that'll get us  past the early people & let them fix as many bugs as possible.  I usually wait closer to 2 months.  This is  supposed to be another smaller feature update.  I'd rather them do small quarterly versions  than big changes.  The big updates always have issues.

That's all for now.  Take care.


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Dreary Rain...


I'm having a hard time getting around this morning.  It's dark & raining. I got up late & I need to get a shower.  This is it for now.   I'll be glad when the skies clear.  I really need some sunshine.    It doesn't  look like  May will offering much in the way of light.


Monday, May 24, 2021

Stigma Really...


Every year or so, a celebrity outs themself as HIV+.   There's a lot of hoopla, good & bad.  It's seen as  a  revelation, a  truth, a scandal.  Recently  it  was  Billie Porter, before that the guy from Queer Eye or Charlie Sheen.  Shortly after, the "experts" claim this single announcement is breaking down walls.  This bit of info is tearing away at the shame, ignorance  & stigma of being HIV+.

Really?  A few days ago I read about Porter's HIV status & we're already having the "experts" tell of it's great impact on fighting the stigma.  Simply put,  that's BS!

Celebrity announcements concerning any illness may temporarily boost interest & awareness, but there's little evidence to suggest it has lasting impact.  Especially, where  stigma is concerned.  

Stigma isn't about the virus.  Stigma is about control.   Stigma is about someone or some  group  trying to  make themselves look better than another by shaming them.  People have stigmatized everything; being Gay, being left-handed, speaking  native languages, having red  hair, etc...  

There are plenty of famous people with red hair & gingers still get hell.  Left-handed people still face challenges in society.  Native Americans were  beaten & killed for their culture.   Time may lessen stigma, but it hardly ever completely goes away.  By the time it  does, the damage is done.  Celebrity announcements may re-aim the focus, but they won't  get  rid of  stigma.


Sunday, May 23, 2021

Weird Glow...


It's the last third of May & all the morning sky can muster is a strange, glowing, dimness.  There's a solid cloud cover & the sun is shining.  The whole thing is a  harsh glow.  It's hard to look at & not giving off the that much light.   It isn't pleasant.  I would like some sunny mornings please.


Saturday, May 22, 2021

Dim AM...


It's another dim morning.  The rain has calmed for now.   The weather & light have been off for long enough to screw with my sleep.  I'm having weird sleep.   It's not bad, just  not very deep.  I'm staying  more alert during it than I should & everything  is  waking me. I'm  beglad  when the weather settles  a bit.   

That's all for now, take care.


Friday, May 21, 2021

Drear & Possibilities...


Let's start with, May Sucks!  I haven't felt much like myself for weeks & probably won't the rest of May.  It's still raining & looks to all day.  It at  least made  the monthly rain average.  Still, May Sucks!

I found an interesting  article this  morning. It was very vague, so I won't cite it.   The idea was novel.   The research was attempting to develop an method where the meds given to HIV+ people might approach the virus in a different  way.  Focused more on weakening the virus than eliminating it. 

This wasn't being presented as a cure all.  It proposed the idea of treating HIV so  it was driven so far back, it'd  take significant time for the virus to reemerge.  Therefore,  lessening to need for daily regimen of antivirals.  Perhaps after  a month on this type of  treatment, the virus would be dormant for several months.  Then the meds could be reintroduced.  Followed by another  period of  dormancy.   It's  not perfect, but possibly better than what we have now.  It might  also be  more achievable than an outright cure.


Thursday, May 20, 2021



I guess most people need to identify with others.  Growing up, I never felt anyone else was especially like me or mine.  I thought that was a good thing.  My life wasn't great & who wanted to be a massed  produced product.  It turned out, a lot more kids had my early life than I knew.  Still, I have no desire to be some high volume print.  I never looked at movies, books or comics & thought, that character's like me.  I didn't  look at  those things to see me or my life.  I dove in to escape, not find familiarity. 

As usual, I'm on the outside of this matter.  Others seem to cling to finding themselves reproduced in fiction or art.  Even when it  comes to HIV.   Every so often a celebrity outs themselves as HIV+.  I'm sure they all have their own reasons.  But, the public eats  it up.  In the past, it was to villainize them, now  people want to celebrate their openness.  They want to see faces they know or connect with have the same issues as them.  I find that a weird, vulturish form of connecting.  

Billy Porter revealed he's been HIV+ for over a  decade.  This morning, 4 out of the top 5 HIV articles  focused on him.  Good  for him, I guess, but not good articles over anything else.  Being HIV+ is weird thing to celebrate.  It seems some people are happy that he's been drug down into the mess with them.  I  don't find this kind or benevolent.


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Stormy Night...


Having a slow start.  It stormed last night.  The sporadic noise kept waking me.  I didn't sleep as sound as I would've liked.   It's grey & drizzly.   There was over an inch of rain & more's on the way.  There are varying rain chances through the rest of the month.  Maybe we'll make the average  rainfall for  the month.   So far, the month's mostly just been gloomy & humid.  I'm glad the lawn got mowed yesterday or else  it might've  been JUne before  it could ever be  dry enough to handle.

We've been dealing with ick weather, fleas & pollen.  The cats have new "natural" flea collars.  We'll see if they work.  They're certainly being rough on us.  

That's all for now, take care.


Tuesday, May 18, 2021



SAD is usually a Fall/Winter thing, but this year it's  been a late Spring issue.  I've had more anxiety &  nervousness this month than all Winter.  The weather's off, there's little sunlight, little things keep going sideways, the TV's glitchy, etc...

I'm over Spring.  It's been rough on me.  Ostara dropped the ball this time around.   We need sunlight, dead bugs & everything else to calm itself down for awhile.

I'm too scattered for more than this, maybe tomorrow.  Take care.


Monday, May 17, 2021

Useless Articles...


I constantly come across useless articles.  This morning I read a piece supposedly over HIV & comorbidities.   Experiencing multiple ongoing health issues is a given for people with chronic illness.  This should have been an informative read.

It wasn't.  It was a waste of space blip.  A briefer version of the  article would've been.  There's HIV, it's bad.  There's comorbidities, they're  bad.  These are some possible comorbidities, um' okay.  So, HIV  & comorbidities  are bad.  That was basically it.

What bothers me more than the useless article, is  this author is probably proud of that crap.  It was worthless & undermined the seriousness of the issue.  Some people may feel an article with such little weight means while comorbidities are bad, they're not that big of a problem.  Stop putting useless articles out.


Sunday, May 16, 2021

Sun Blips...


It was bright for a few moments this morning.  It made waking up a little easier.  There are clouds, showers & storms forecasted  for the month.  Just wonderful.  Not  at  all what I wanted or needed.

I need things to warm up & dry out  a bit.  The bugs are already bad.  If the temps hold, I might get to finish Winter laundry. I usually have all this handled by early April.

A favorite show got cancelled.  When this happens, it makes  it very hard  to start a new show.  You don't trust it. To hell with FOX for killing 1 of 2 shows I like on their station.

That's all for now.  Take care.


Saturday, May 15, 2021

Not Much Morning...


Another dim morning is not making it easy to get around.  It looks to be this way for the remainder of  the month.  Just great.  This won't be borderline miserable.  I'm sick of crappy mornings.  Not a lot I can do about it though.  

I need to get a shower & fix breakfast, so this is it for now.  Take  care.


Friday, May 14, 2021

Dim Morning...


There have been remarkably few bright mornings this Spring.  There've been a few, but most have been dreary or dim.  It makes waking very difficult.  I've had more anxiousness from SAD issues in April & May then I did all Winter.  The 1st part of this year hasn't  been pleasant or easy. 

Oh well, I'm running late.  I had to handle a cat issue this morning & it ate some time.  We have to go shopping in a bit, so this is it.

Take care.


Thursday, May 13, 2021

Vague Articles...


I've seen quite a few articles lately touting insight into  new forms of HIV treatment in development. I think development is a strong word.  What I'm reading sounds more like intense research than development.

I saw a piece this morning dealing with gene  therapy & treating HIV.  It threw some terms & concepts  around, but nothing that haven't been written about before & in more detail.  This article offered  little.  Cell therapy may someday be of great importance to HIV, but not now.

Take care.


Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Mid Month Trash Day...


There's not much happening.  I'm hoping the clear forecast holds.  I need rid of a large box & that can't happen if it's raining.  It looks  clear for today & tomorrow.  

A windows update marred my do nothing morning.  But, past that & trash there's not much.  I do need to pick up meds.  

Research's waffling over HIV+ people & COVID.  It's either no different for us or a horrible thing.  I have no idea which is accurate.  Just try to stay as safe as possible.

Take care.


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Grey, Grey, Grey...


It's the mid of May & our high today will only be in the 50s.  That's chilly for us.  According to forecasts, the later half of the month will be filled with chances for thunderstorms.  May is looks to be another dismal month.  We didn't need this.  Instead  of warmth &  light.  We're still chilly, yet getting bugs  & needing mowed.  That sucks.


Monday, May 10, 2021



I've been having morning issues lately.  Something outside is making enough noise during the very early mornings to wake me up.  When I go back to sleep, I'm oversleeping & waking up a bit  groggy.  

Yesterday was Mother's Day.  I've  never really been involved with the parent  days.  For some people they're very important  & for others very bittersweet.  For me, they're a reminder of the disaster that was my parents' presence in my life.  For some, it's a reminder of a significant loss.   I count myself lucky on this matter.  This time having crappy parents paid off.

I need to get.  I'm late & we have shopping. Looks like more rain, oh joy. Take care.


Sunday, May 9, 2021

Almost Forgot...


We've had odd weather since yesterday.  It got really warm & humid.  Yet never rained like it was  supposed  to.  It  made sleeping weird & I eventually overslept a bit.  It  finally rained a harsh blip for a few minutes.  The temps are cooling down to normal.  During this, I  almost  forgot to  post  anything.  So, here it is, not much, but  it's here.

Take care & have a good day.


Saturday, May 8, 2021

Spring Stress...


There were some rough patches this Winter & I'm glad  it's over.   But, Spring has been far harder on me.  It's been weird weather & lots of stressors.   Yesterday morning was an example of that.  The microwave, my keyboard & another device all screwed up on the same  morning.  I  didn't need that.

The microwave has been replaced.   So far, the only issue seems to be a matter with the clock slowing  when I  cook.  This model is slightly more powerful than the last.   The additional pull may be messing with the time.  If it's the only issue, albeit annoying, I can handle  that.    Here's hoping this microwave can make 3 years.

Take care.


Friday, May 7, 2021

And Another Drops...


I'm in a foul mood.   We had planned a reasonably simple morning.  But something in this  damned house absolutely hates  the  idea  of me having an easy morning.  

1st, the microwave died this morning.  Less than 3 years after we bought it.  Then I get to my room & my keyboard falls.  It loses some keys & can't find 1 of them.  

I'm already tired & the day's just getting started.   Not a good sign for the rest of the day.   Here's hoping the rest of the day isn't as crappy as this morning.

Take care. 


Thursday, May 6, 2021



Indiana is about to take a giant step backwards.  In 2015, Scott County became the epicenter of a massive HIV outbreak due to IV drug use.  In conservative  fashion, then governor Pence opted to shame, ridicule & accuse, but little else.  Eventually, the county started a syringe exchange campaign.  It not only helped get  their HIV cases  under  control, but became  a role model for other  such programs.

In 2021,  the same conservative mentality wants to all but curtail the program.  Even though the baseline issues haven't changed. It this happens, it is not only likely, but anticipated, another surge  in HIV cases will follow.

This isn't just stupid, it shows how horrible these people are.  May every conservative opposing programs like these be treated with the same kindness & mercy.  Republicans want to save  fetuses, but  murder everyone else or least watch then suffer.  This group is nothing but a collection of monsters who delight in the misery of others.


Wednesday, May 5, 2021



The recent rains pushed the temps back down.  The overnight was in the low 40s.  There was moisture build upon the windows when I woke.  Much colder & it would've been frost.  The overnight 40s are supposed to last this week.   

It's taking forever to get all the cold weather stuff put away.  Every time I wash a load, the temps drop.   Maybe this will be the last time & I get everything handled.

That's all for now, take care.


Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Storms Again...


It stormed again last night.   We got over 1.5".  There was a lot of thunder,  lightning, some wind & hail.  It's overcast this morning, but the rain has stopped.

We handled some of the 1st of month stuff.  I found out what I could about my doctor's office move, which wasn't much.  For now, it looks like he'll still have the same numbers.   We'll see how this plays out.

Hopefully, the rain will die down & we'll get some sun.  That's all for now, take care.  


Monday, May 3, 2021

May Monday...


It's the 1st Monday in May.   We have things to handle this morning.  There's the typical bank & bills items & then shopping.  Then I need to figure out about my doctor's new office situation. I really dislike it when everything lands on the beginning of the month.  At least the sun's out for now.  

Take care.


Sunday, May 2, 2021

Night Noise...


I'm not sure what, but something is making a lot of noise at night.  It's woke me a couple of  times  this  last week.  It's making it hard to get back to sleep.  Add to that all the typical noise like animals, trains, cars, etc... & my neighborhood can get a little loud in the early mornings.  Things need to shut up.  It's supposed to rain today & the skies are grey.  This is it for now, take care.


Saturday, May 1, 2021



Not much going this 1st day in May.  It's not super  sunny, but it's better  than yesterday.  There are  rain chances this week, so  I handled some yard work earlier.  

After seeing my doctor on Monday, I found out some news about his office last night.  The local paper reported his office was moving.  It  isn't relocating far from where he was, but still no one said a word about it on Monday.  I'm not  sure how I feel about this.  I'll  find out more  on Monday.

That's all for now, take care.
