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Friday, January 29, 2021

Last Friday & Late Calls...


January is almost over.  It's weird, seems like the month just started.  It feels like everyone's been holding their breath for the last several months & keeping in stress.  The inauguration was the 1st time these people really exhaled in a long time.  It was the 1st time they'd let themselves relax.  Many are now facing emotional & physical fallout from that stressful time. I imagine a lot of people are like me & are wondering where did the rest of the month go?   It was inauguration day & then blink we're here.

I got a late phone call last night.  Like I said a bit back,  people only call me for certain things these days.  This time it was a recorded message telling me I had an appointment with my HIV specialist next Tuesday morning at 8:15.   I called back, because I shouldn't have had an appointment yet & I certainly wouldn't set an appointment in Tulsa for that early.  Turns out they were only supposed to  remind to  get  my labs next week.

That's all for now, take care.


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