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Thursday, January 21, 2021



Yesterday was a big day.  Love it or hate it, we have a new president.  After  4 years of tRump, this is a considerable step.  People keep demanding Biden to do this or that.   Maybe those things do need to get done.  But, let the man in the door first.  

Any change, even when they're good, can bring stress.  Biden gave a lot of people their 1st chance to  relax in years.  I doubt many of them understood how much stress, anxiety & tension they were holding. 

My hope for everyone this morning is simple, breathe.  Just breathe for a while.  Let all of this set in.  Let the years of stress start to dissipate.   Breathe, smile, laugh, muppet  flail & then we can move on with things.

Take care.


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