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Sunday, January 3, 2021

10 & 21 Year Anniversaries...


It' the blog's 10th anniversary.  Other than school, I've not stuck with much of anything this long.  This blog is a history of my life, much of it dealing with HIV.  If this blog was a kid, it'd be a 5th grader.  Last year, I was hoping for a better year.  I'd just got out of the hospital & 2019 hadn't been easy on me.  I didn't get that wish, 2020 was pretty awful.  It's up to you 2021, the bar's really low.  Here's to another year.

This is my 21st HIV Day.  On January 3, 2000, I was diagnosed,  so my HIV status is actually older.  It'd be nice to think this virus could vanish as people like me  get older.  I don't know if that will happen, but it'd be  something if HIV was just a bad memory.  Here's to the upcoming year, cheers & hoorah!  Raise a glass!

Thanks for reading.  Take care & be kind.  Maybe next time this COVID crap will be in our rearview mirror.


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