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Sunday, January 31, 2021

HIstory & January Ending...


Wikipedia has entriesy over the History of HIV/AIDS & a Timeline of Early HIV/AIDS Cases.  Until now, most of these begin around WWII.   This piece challenges that & proposes the 1st case could've been transferred to a starving WWI soldier in the Cameroon area.  The man was most likely was injured while hunting chimps for food after supplies ran out.  This allowed for the transfer of a simian virus to become the precursor of modern HIV.  It's an interesting read.

It's the last day of January 2021.  It's been an stressful & eventful month.  Here's hoping February brings better times.  Goodbye January, what went wrong wasn't your doing. Maybe next year will go better.


Saturday, January 30, 2021

Drizzle Gloom...


Another short post.  I didn't find much in the way of  articles this morning.  It's dreary & slightly piddling rain.  It's probably going to stay that way until  this afternoon.   It makes it hard to wake up.  That's all I've got this last Saturday of January.

Take care.


Friday, January 29, 2021

Last Friday & Late Calls...


January is almost over.  It's weird, seems like the month just started.  It feels like everyone's been holding their breath for the last several months & keeping in stress.  The inauguration was the 1st time these people really exhaled in a long time.  It was the 1st time they'd let themselves relax.  Many are now facing emotional & physical fallout from that stressful time. I imagine a lot of people are like me & are wondering where did the rest of the month go?   It was inauguration day & then blink we're here.

I got a late phone call last night.  Like I said a bit back,  people only call me for certain things these days.  This time it was a recorded message telling me I had an appointment with my HIV specialist next Tuesday morning at 8:15.   I called back, because I shouldn't have had an appointment yet & I certainly wouldn't set an appointment in Tulsa for that early.  Turns out they were only supposed to  remind to  get  my labs next week.

That's all for now, take care.


Thursday, January 28, 2021

Cold & Gray...


Just a short post, my fingers are cold.  It's the coldest we've been in a bit & my hands aren't happy.  We need  the cold a while longer to kill off bugs & grass.  I understand the why of it, still doesn't make me like it.  I hate the cold & drear of Winter.  Some of  the only highpoints  of this season are the lesser number of bugs & lack of mowing.

Take care.


Wednesday, January 27, 2021



This piece is about  monoclonal antibodies & there use in preventing HIV.  I've blogged about these antibodies before, but as a treatment, not a form of PrEP.  At this point, the approach only works if the antibody & viral strain match.  Currently, 70% of the time, they didn't.  Even if they do, the prevention rate is only 75%.  

This may be ready for wide application, but the research is important.  It may add to HIV research or other viruses, such as COVID-19.   Research often provides unexpected outcomes & applications. Give this a read.


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

An Appointment Down...


Yesterday's appointment went well enough, even if it wasn't prompt.  Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.  I have a telemedicine  appointment mid February with  my HIV specialist.   I'll need labs drawn sometime next week.  Then as far as I know, my medical appointments will be handled for a bit.


Monday, January 25, 2021

Doctor's Appointment...


I'm up way too  early for me to do well with a post.  My typing is barely functional.  I have an early appointment with my primary care physician this morning.  Just a regular thing, nothing out of the ordinary.   I hope his goes well & promptly.   I hate waiting in a doctor's office.  They're overbooking is rude & I have little patience for  it.  Let alone, it being this early.  Waking in the dark sucks.


Sunday, January 24, 2021

Another Gloomy Morning...


Not getting around well.  These dismal mornings do nothing to help me started.  It's supposed to stay this way all day & rain later.  We'll likely meet our rain average for the month.  Even though it's been really humid, we haven't had that much rain.

That's about it, take care.


Saturday, January 23, 2021

Another Phone Call...


My phone rang last night.  I knew it wasn't good news when I saw it was my sister.  Other than my roomie, no one calls me unless they want something, are reminding me of appointments or are bearing bad news.  Turns out it was the latter. 

My father passed on January 4, 2021, he was 76.  I hadn't seen in much over the years.  We talked occasionally on the phone.   He had COPD & had been going downhill the last couple of years.  My parents lived a lot longer than I expected.  They were both heavy drinkers, smokers & fairly violent people.  Maybe in their next lives they can find some peace & joy.

I admit it's weird news & I'm a little unsettled.  I'm not upset he died.  I'm angry, that they both pushed me to the point that I'm mostly indifferent to their deaths.  In my mom's case,  also a little relieved.  Why would you choose to live your life in such a way, your children couldn't muster any emotion for your passing other than relief?  


Friday, January 22, 2021

FDA Approved...


I blogged the European Union approved a long acting injectable med for HIV  based on cabotegravir & rilpivirine.  The injection, Cabenuva is given monthly.   An oral regimen will proceed it for a month & is marketed as, Vocabria.  ViiV Healthcare is researching how to extend the time between injections.  The FDA recently approved this med.

 Taken from the piece.

The most common adverse reactions ... were injection site reactions, fever (pyrexia), fatigue, headache, musculoskeletal pain, nausea, sleep disorders, dizziness and rash. 

I'll try to keep up with this.  Take care


Thursday, January 21, 2021



Yesterday was a big day.  Love it or hate it, we have a new president.  After  4 years of tRump, this is a considerable step.  People keep demanding Biden to do this or that.   Maybe those things do need to get done.  But, let the man in the door first.  

Any change, even when they're good, can bring stress.  Biden gave a lot of people their 1st chance to  relax in years.  I doubt many of them understood how much stress, anxiety & tension they were holding. 

My hope for everyone this morning is simple, breathe.  Just breathe for a while.  Let all of this set in.  Let the years of stress start to dissipate.   Breathe, smile, laugh, muppet  flail & then we can move on with things.

Take care.


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Big Orange Trash


I didn't find any articles this morning.  It's trash day for us & the nation.  We'll take ours to the curb, the US is apparently sending theirs to Florida.  

Good riddance to the orange ass.  Hello Mr. Biden. Best wishes to you & yours.


Tuesday, January 19, 2021

A Bit Complex....


From the start, this piece is a bit complex for jargon novices.  It's over the interaction of HIV & interferons.  The body uses interferons to fight viruses, such as HIV or COVID.  They are cytokines just like in COVID-19.  Even as part of our immune system they can go to extremes.  

In a normal reaction, they can cause inflammation that can lead to flu-like symptoms; fever & muscle aches.  In extreme cases they can lead to serious health issues as seen in COVID reactions.

This article goes over interferons interaction with HIV.  It discusses their presence in people who maintain higher viral loads.  HIV & some meds can lead to higher levels of interferon activity.  Give the article a read.


Monday, January 18, 2021



Today is MLK day & a tense day it is.  The upcoming inauguration is causing the nation to clench.  Will this go smoothly or will there be more drama?   

This day needs to happen.  It needs to go off without a hitch.   It's time to move forward from the orange beast that wreaked havoc for the last 4 years.   Until then, it seems like most things are on a disquieting pause.  Come Wednesday morning we'll know.  That's fitting for us.  Wednesday is the day we take out the trash.


Sunday, January 17, 2021

Sunny Morning...


Friday was windy.  It blew in a lot of crap &  evergreens are sending out pollen.  During the Winter, I usually just have to deal with heater issues, but my allergies have been a wreck this weekend.   The winds have died down & maybe the dust will settle.  

The inauguration is in 3  days.  I hope this goes well & without event.  I want this day to be boring.   Orange-ass has caused enough drama.  Some emotional down time would be good for the country.

That's it for now.  Take care.


Saturday, January 16, 2021

D's Last Saturday...


It's tRump's last Saturday in office.  It'll take ages to undo the damage he & his have done to the country, to the world.   He's leaving the office with the lowest term rating ever.  He was a disaster & he did it all.  He did with intent & bullish ignorance.   He did it to flatter his ego.  He was a vaudevillian villain that for some reason the world took serious.  He should've been booed off the stage decades ago.  

Biden enters Wednesday, don't expect much.  It'll be everything he can do, just to get us through the moments & not let the nation fall to pieces.  So, be calm, take a breath, give the man some time.


Friday, January 15, 2021

WIndy Shopping...


It was a windy night & now we have wind advisory throughout the day.   We need to go shopping.  My roomies had other plans.  I'm not sure we'll get to that.  We'll see.   At least it's a sunny morning.  This wind has stirred up stuff & my head  is  really off with allergies. Hopefully, this doesn't get too big.

Take care.


Thursday, January 14, 2021

Post Cleaning...


Had my dental cleaning yesterday & it went well.  It seemed a bit more rushed than usual.  That's probably due to the hygienist trying to follow COVID protocols.  All seems well on that front.

We also took out trash & it concludes the Great 2020 Boxodus.  We'd normally have had this handled before, but it was always raining.  It's amazing how much stuff you can collect in a year, even when you're trying not to. 

I have a quarterly doctor's appointment with my regular physician on the 25th.   That should be the last appointment for me this month. Then it'll be on to February's.

That's all, take care.


Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Sunny Morning's Short Post...


It's a very sunny, but chilly morning.  It's supposed to  be in the 50's today.  I've got to get  around.  I have stuff to do this morning & then head off for a dental cleaning appointment.  

This is it for now. Take care.


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Chilly, But Bright...


Woke to another cold morning.  At least the sun was shining. The weather is supposed to warm up a bit.  It'll still be at or just below freezing, but not in the low 20's.  That'll  be an improvement.

Articles mostly focused on COVID & politics.  The few that weren't, were aimed at difficulties concerning HIV in Africa.   I tend to  aim more local.  Maybe once Biden gets in things will calm down a bit.  Articles have been lacking for most of the orange tyrant's time in office.

I have a dental cleaning this week, not much else.  That's all for now, take care.


Monday, January 11, 2021

COVID & Isolation...


For some, the hardest part of the pandemic has been the isolation.  Humans are social beings & for some, losing this level of interaction can be very hard, even damaging.  Many people living with HIV or other chronic conditions, even being elderly, already felt  isolated.

The effects of isolation have been studied for decades.  Many oppose solitary isolation in prisons.  For some, the effects of being isolated are negligible.  For other they can onset rapidly & be extreme.

This pandemic has caused the loss of social interaction for many.  Even the most basic things; shopping, medical appointments, holidays...   For introverts, this may be fine, but not for others.   It can lead to depression & destroy social support systems.  Consider recovering addicts who lean on others to maintain their sobriety.  Consider the person who was already living alone.

Some think they can replace social interactions with virtual meetings.  That may work for some, but not for others.  Social interaction is more complex than simply hearing voices or seeing images.  Immediate social interaction is far more emotive & intimate than a screen could provide.

I hope this pandemic ends soon.  A lot of people need others.   Streisand sang, "People who need people, are the luckiest people in the world..."  I don't know about that, but I'm sure some folks feel that way.  

Take care & be kind.


Sunday, January 10, 2021

10, 9, 8...


This last year has been about countdowns.  How long will it be before we have a vaccine for COVID-19?  How much longer until the election?  When will it be certain?  Now, the countdown to the inauguration.  How much more will they let that tyrant get away with, before they do something?

There are 10 days until Biden is sworn into office.  I hope they can contain him.  I concur with the Queens of Hearts' sentiment, "Off with his head!"  That goes for everyone that helped him get into office, kept him there & aided in nearly destroying this nation.

I know this was political, but he was no friend of those with HIV.  So, the axe for him. Take care.


Saturday, January 9, 2021

HIV+ & COVID Vaccine...


1st off, it's a cold morning here.  We're still in the 20's.  At least it's bright out. This will be short. My typing is even worse when my fingers are cold.  

I came across this piece.  The article was  about a man who was enrolled in a COVID-19 vaccine study.  He has received both doses of the vaccine & seems to be doing well.  He'll remain in the study for months.  That way he can report on any potential side-effects & the vaccine's efficacy. 

Give it a read.  If you're HIV+, you've probably been wondering about the matter.  That's it for now, take care.


Friday, January 8, 2021

2nd Friday...


It's the 2nd Friday of 2021 & the high emotion & drama are ongoing. This may not calm down for a while, at least not until after the inauguration. Even then, there's going to be a lot scars, high emotion, drama & anguish.  This last bit the orange asshat's term may be the most socially destructive event of this country's history.  It's at least in the top 10.

I have no idea when articles will return to normal.  It may take a bit.  Until then, I'll keep posting what I can.  Take care.


Thursday, January 7, 2021



There weren't many useful articles this morning.  Thanks to yesterday's events, people were focused on politics.  While important, that's not the subject of this blog.  I'm glad this part is  over.  The Georgia run-offs are settled & the electoral count is handled.  Now, maybe we can get back to business & say goodbye to the orange tyrant.

Take care & be safe.


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Serious Gloomtasm...


It's dark, gloomy & raining.   Not the kind of morning I wanted to wake up to, but here it is.  There were no useful articles this morning.  

I signed up for a notification from the health department concerning the COVID vaccination.   I'm  in Phase 2.  They're still handling the 1st phase.  I have no idea how long it will be before I hear something.  Then, I'm not sure what I'll have to do to get the vaccination.  I've  done what I can for now.  Sometimes that's all you can.

Take care.


Tuesday, January 5, 2021

The 5th...


The 1st of the month has come & gone.  We've handled the 1st round of household bills for 2021.  We're still waiting to hear when we might be able to get the COVID vaccination.  It  could be a while.  Until then, we keep going as we have.  Probably the same for after we get them as well, at least for a while.

That's about it this morning.  Other than pieces over PrEP, the articles were bare.  Take care & be safe.


Monday, January 4, 2021

Long Acting Approved...


The European Union has given medical authorization to it's 1st long acting HIV treatment.  According to this piece, Vocabria, also know as Cabotegravir from ViiV healthcare  & Janssen  Pharmaceutical, has been given clearance to move ahead with once monthly injections.

The treatment starts in a traditional manner with daily tablets for a month, to determine tolerance to the meds.  After, the dosage would switch to once monthly injections.  The company is in the process of developing an injection that would be taken every 2 months.   I'd assume the process would be the same; tablets, single month injection & the longer lasting dose.

This could change the HIV game.  It could mean oral meds are heading out of the top tier position.  Patients would have to see a medical professional for the injections.  There'd be more contact with those needing medical care.

That's all for now, take care.


Sunday, January 3, 2021

10 & 21 Year Anniversaries...


It' the blog's 10th anniversary.  Other than school, I've not stuck with much of anything this long.  This blog is a history of my life, much of it dealing with HIV.  If this blog was a kid, it'd be a 5th grader.  Last year, I was hoping for a better year.  I'd just got out of the hospital & 2019 hadn't been easy on me.  I didn't get that wish, 2020 was pretty awful.  It's up to you 2021, the bar's really low.  Here's to another year.

This is my 21st HIV Day.  On January 3, 2000, I was diagnosed,  so my HIV status is actually older.  It'd be nice to think this virus could vanish as people like me  get older.  I don't know if that will happen, but it'd be  something if HIV was just a bad memory.  Here's to the upcoming year, cheers & hoorah!  Raise a glass!

Thanks for reading.  Take care & be kind.  Maybe next time this COVID crap will be in our rearview mirror.


Saturday, January 2, 2021

One Day Down...


We made it through the 1st day of 2021.   Other than a bit of dismal weather, it was a good day.   Then again, what kind of weather can you expect in January?

There isn't much going here this morning.  It's still overcast.  The articles are mostly still about COVID.  Maybe we'll get more soon.

I hope your  year started off  well, take care.


Friday, January 1, 2021



Well, we made it into 2021.  Here's hoping things go better than 2020.  Not much going on this morning.  It's a bit bleak & chilly, but it's also January. We're heading out in a bit.  Have some things to pick up.  

I saw an article about Norvir today.  It's an old, 90's  HIV drug I was on until I started Triumeq.   I was surprised to see it still being used.  It wasn't easy to tolerate. Most of my earlier meds are no longer in production.  If you're  on Norvir, I'd suggest talking to your doctor about other options.

That's all for, take care & Happy New Year.
