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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

More Teen Issues...

Several pieces, including this article, have addressed the lack of testing & status awareness of sexually active, young males (13- 18).  It's estimated somewhere around 15% of all HIV cases go undiagnosed.  It's thought that number could be over 50% in this population.  

This article covers a study of sexually active, young men (MSM).  Less a quarter of had been tested for HIV.  It's likely that would include other STI's as well.  Personally, even though not seen as risky, I'd wish they'd data on straight interactions as well. 

This is a scary number.   There needs to be a way for these kids to get tested without outing them or scaring them away.  If not, HIV will never end.  The reality is teens have sex.  It's not a judgement, it's a fact.  Accept it or more people will contract HIV.


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