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Thursday, February 27, 2020

The New Virus

I wasn't going to post about the coronavirus, it's not HIV, but here we go.  Let's start here, the CDC's site over the virus.  Or the wiki page over the virus's current state.  Now, is a time to be informed, not embrace scary rhetoric.

There are 2 reasons I'm writing about.  Google either & you'll find them in abundance.  1st, that idiot, Trump, has put Mike Pence in charge of handling the matter.  The same asshat that botched Indiana's HIV outbreak due to his conservative ideology & indulgent assholeishness.  That's not good.

2nd, things are getting very retro about the virus.  It's like when HIV 1st appeared.  There's a lot of fear, anger & ignorance.  Some people are targeting those of Asian decent (any) & accusing them of being responsible for the virus.  The "Other" has come back into play.   Those people are spreading the disease, not us.  It's their fault.   Asians are the new Gays.

Read the links.  Mike Pence is a dangerous fool & shouldn't be in charge of anything.  Viruses don't discriminate.   They simply effect what they can.  It's how they survive.   Stop putting value judgements on the spread of illness.

Take care.


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