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Friday, February 21, 2020

Another Strike...

Earlier this month, I posted about a court decision against the drug maker Gilead.  It was over patent  ownership concerning the drug, Truvada, currently used for PrEP.  This piece covers round 2, where Gilead lost again.  I'm sorry for using articles with paywalls, but I can't find this anywhere else.  

Since a notable amount of the funding & research was covered by government agencies, Gilead is not the full owner.  At this rate, they might not be the owner at all.  They may only have rights to use the formulation.  That could mean the cost for all drugs based on Truvada & it's formulations might see a serious price drop.  

The car issue seems to have been low tire pressure.   We've been up & out early every day this week.  It's not our normal schedule & it's been tiring.   The weather shifting & allergen development has added to the week's difficulty.  Last night was cold, 22 or so.  Tonight won't be quite as cold & then we'll warm up a bit.  There may still have a few more freezes in  store for us.

Take care.


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