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Thursday, April 20, 2017

Still Rising...

Over the past few years, we've seen the rise of HIV in states like Ohio, Indiana & Kentucky.   Rural counties in these states saw a boom in HIV rates due to IV drug use & sharing needles.  The problems are still ongoing there.

Over the past few weeks, there've been articles talking about rural counties in other states like Alabama & Texas.   These counties are faced with potential HIV outbreaks due to IV drug use.   These are poor, economically disadvantaged places.  Places with little to no resources to help prevent or deal with HIV. 

The economy is driving people to self medicate.  Drug use is leading to even further risky behaviors.  This is how a non-sex transmitted outbreak of HIV starts.

Still, I wouldn't hold my breath for any government agency intervening.  No, that's not the Republican way.  These outbreaks will most likely happen & the fall out will domino across the poor, rural regions of the US.

Try to be safe & have a good day.


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