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Friday, April 21, 2017

Rainy Day...

It looks to rain off & on all day.  It's not been too heavy, but it's been fairly constant.  Other than the dismal light, I'm glad we're getting the rain.  Maybe some of the pollen will get washed away.  Other than catching up on some Netflix, I have little to do today.  

It's strange to still feel like I'm recovering from my illness.   Depending on the severity of the pneumonia & other personal factors, recovery can take several weeks to a few months.  Well, that sucks.  I've been out of the hospital since the end of March & I'm still feeling off.  Not horrible, but maybe working at 60% most of the time.  That can plummet quick if I overdo it or get stressed.  

So far pneumonia has got HIV beat hands down.  I think it'd kill you quicker.


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