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Friday, April 7, 2017


I almost forgot to post today.  Today started out a little rough.  I wasn't feeling the best.  I got around & drove for the 1st time to go get mail.  That went fine.  

I got home, took a shower & noticed the spot where the IV had been a week ago was blazing red & had a rash spreading off of it.  The rash was also on my chest & the base of my neck.

I went to my doctor's & they slid me in between appointments.  I was having an allergic reaction to the IV itself or 1 or the 2 medications they gave me in the hospital,  Weird, it took a week to really show.  

My doctor had x-rays run again.   They turned out mostly clear.  I was given a steroid shot, to help  clear up this reaction.  I hope it works.  The IV injection site is still sore.  I guess we'll see.


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