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Sunday, April 30, 2017


My days are totally off.  I've thought all morning this was Monday.  I don't why I did.  Oh well,  it's the last day of April.   I'm not too sure what to think of this month,.  I've spent it trying to recuperate from pneumonia.  Mostly, I don't have much of an opinion about April.  Hopefully, next year it will be better.

We went out this morning.  Shopping went well. We stopped to get gas.  It shouldn't be that chilly the last day of April. I was almost to the point of shivering.  Confused weather.

I hope everyone is doing well.  A lot of people near me are facing floods, storm damage & power outages.  We were fortunate, not to have that much happen in our area.

Be safe.


Saturday, April 29, 2017

Stormy Days...

Woke up to a very muggy house.  It  stormed last night. Tornado sirens came on for a while.   The humidity is rough.  It's still raining some & we have a big chance for more storms.  Our rain chances have lowered, but storms could still knock out power.  The biggest threat right now is from flooding.  This storm is covering a large area & the runoff might wash downstream flooding whatever in it's way.

This constant weather shifting isn't making it any easier recovering from this illness.  The humidity is making me ache & it hard to breathe.   I just hope this blows over soon.


Friday, April 28, 2017

Last Friday...

It's the last Friday of April.  It's hard to believe it's been a month since I was admitted to the hospital.  I doesn't feel that long.  Recovery is being a slow process.  So far, 2017 is being worse than 2016.  As my roomie pointed out, 2016 didn't put me in the hospital. 

Shopping this morning was aggravating but not hard.  Some people insist on being difficult at the store.   But that's over now.

I don't have much to write about, so until tomorrow,


Thursday, April 27, 2017

One Sunny Day...

It rained quite a bit yesterday & somehow our power/net stayed on.  There's sunshine for the moment.  It won't last.  Starting this evening  rain chances start ramping up again.  It looks like we could be seeing rain for the 1st week of May.

We need the rain.  I just wish we could get it without all the gloom or severity.   I don't mind the thunder, but lighting, wind & hail can get a bit much.

I need to get cleaned up & go pick up my roomie.  I still need to do a couple of things here, so this is it for now.  


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Thunder & Lightning...

It's been storming for a while now & I won't be surprised if the power/net drop out on us.  I make this  quick, so I at least get something down today.  I'm trying to get some laundry done before anything decides to stop.  Hopefully, this won't get too severe.

More tomorrow.


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Stormy End...

It looks as if we could go storming into May.  The forecasts are predicting some rough weather for the rest of the month.  I hope not too rough.  I can live without sever weather, power outages & lost internet.

It's been nearly a month since the hospital trip.  I'm on the mend, but not quite there.    I'm feeling mostly alright until I try to do just about anything & then it goes sour quick.    There are somethings that need handling, that I keep putting off until I've got a little more strength back.  Hopefully, that will be soon.

Best hopes for you all.


Monday, April 24, 2017

Another Shopping Day...

We went shopping this morning.  There's something in Walmart that's making it hard for me to breathe  I started sneezing & coughing before I got out of the store.  The coughing's stopped, but my sinuses are still acting up.  

I beginning to believe this recovery may take longer than I initially thought.   That sucks, but I think it's true.  I really do hate being sick.  


Sunday, April 23, 2017

1st Post Yard Work...

There may have been articles today, I didn't look. I did my 1st yard work since being in the hospital.   It sucked & I'm beat.  The lawn guy sprayed the edges, but it rained almost immediately after.  I went out to do some touch ups on the places he may have missed or the rain washed away.  

It wasn't that much work, but it took me forever.  I'm done for the day.  I'm glad I have leftovers for the rest of today's meals.   I only walked around the yard & pointed a sprayer, but that's all it took.   My tank's on empty.  Hopefully, I'll build up more stamina.

Until tomorrow.


Saturday, April 22, 2017


It stormed here last night.  Some of the thunderstorms got a little intense.  That's when a strange thing happened.  My roomie wrote about it earlier.  She noticed all the lights on the block below us went out.  It was weird.   

I don't think I've ever been in this town when someone else's power went out that ours didn't.  But we made it through the night with power & internet.  Something must've overlooked us.  Still, I'm happy we kept our lights on & net going.  

That was a 1st for us.  


Friday, April 21, 2017

Rainy Day...

It looks to rain off & on all day.  It's not been too heavy, but it's been fairly constant.  Other than the dismal light, I'm glad we're getting the rain.  Maybe some of the pollen will get washed away.  Other than catching up on some Netflix, I have little to do today.  

It's strange to still feel like I'm recovering from my illness.   Depending on the severity of the pneumonia & other personal factors, recovery can take several weeks to a few months.  Well, that sucks.  I've been out of the hospital since the end of March & I'm still feeling off.  Not horrible, but maybe working at 60% most of the time.  That can plummet quick if I overdo it or get stressed.  

So far pneumonia has got HIV beat hands down.  I think it'd kill you quicker.


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Still Rising...

Over the past few years, we've seen the rise of HIV in states like Ohio, Indiana & Kentucky.   Rural counties in these states saw a boom in HIV rates due to IV drug use & sharing needles.  The problems are still ongoing there.

Over the past few weeks, there've been articles talking about rural counties in other states like Alabama & Texas.   These counties are faced with potential HIV outbreaks due to IV drug use.   These are poor, economically disadvantaged places.  Places with little to no resources to help prevent or deal with HIV. 

The economy is driving people to self medicate.  Drug use is leading to even further risky behaviors.  This is how a non-sex transmitted outbreak of HIV starts.

Still, I wouldn't hold my breath for any government agency intervening.  No, that's not the Republican way.  These outbreaks will most likely happen & the fall out will domino across the poor, rural regions of the US.

Try to be safe & have a good day.


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

April Clear...

For now, the rest of the month seems to be clear of appointments for me.  I have 2 in May.  Then maybe I can avoid doctors & dentist for a few months.   I'm glad they're there, but I'm tired of seeing them for a while.

Nothing much is going on here. I wish you all a good day.


Tuesday, April 18, 2017


I have to go get a new filling today.  The dentist noticed some small cracks in a tooth.  A lot of my dental problems came from HIV, but even more came from some early meds I was on.  I'm still on Didanosine, but the early form of Videx were chewable tablets.  

I wasn't told until I was already off the chewable version those things were pretty horrible on teeth.  Apparently, you were supposed to brush immediately after taking the meds.   Well, I didn't.  I waited until after I had eaten a couple of hours later.   That took a serious toll on my teeth & has cost me a lot of dental work & $.

I hope after today's filling, I'll have a break from the dentist for a while.   I'll have my bi-annual cleanings, but that should be enough for a while.  I hope.  This is pricey stuff.

I've got to get around.  I'll post more tomorrow.  This is just a reminder, HIV impacts every part of your health.  Watch your teeth.


Monday, April 17, 2017

Cheap Chocolate Day...

I was almost too late for Cheap Chocolate Day at the store.  The chocolate vultures were out in force & the selection had been massively picked over.  That's fine, I still did OK.   It's not like we need a ton.

It rained most of last night.  We needed the rain & it made sleeping easier.   It evened out the humidity a bit.  

I'm still not seeing much new in the way of articles.  Either the material is so new, there's not much too it or it's rehash.  I still think a lot of people are waiting to see the fall out from this president.

Monday's back & the holiday is over, have a good day.


Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Egg Day...

For those of you that celebrate the holiday, Happy Easter.  For the rest of you, tomorrow is Cheap Chocolate Monday.   Happy Hunting. 

It's raining a little here.   It's welcome.  Maybe the rain will wash some of the pollen from the air.  

I'm still on the mend.  It's a slow process. But, it's going.

I got through most of the holiday dinner prep already.  The rest of the day should be easy. Hopefully, it'll be uneventful. 

Have a great day.


Saturday, April 15, 2017

Foot Issues...

OK, this Spring crap is seriously sucking this year.  1st, I get pneumonia, then as if that isn't enough, I have to deal with dental issues at the same time.   While I've been recovering, it's been pollen hell.  This tree orgy needs to end.  Now, due to the weather, I've been on the edge of a gout flare up for days.  So far, it hasn't been anything too horrible, but it could be.   Gout sucks, allergies suck, pneumonia sucks, in general this Spring has been a suck-fest & it just got started.  This season needs to mellow out.


Friday, April 14, 2017

Follow Up Appointment...

I had a follow up with my primacy doctor today.  He says I'm recovering from the pneumonia.  It's just a long process.  My stomach seems to be settling down some.  For that, I'm thankful.   

I have an appointment with my dentist on Tuesday.  Then in May I have a specialist appointment & a regular meeting with my primary.    This is just way too many doctor visits.

Not much going on besides that right now.


Thursday, April 13, 2017


We went shopping this morning & it wiped me out. I'm done for the day.   I had a hard time breathing in the store & it was just exhausting.  I did better the last time, but this time, my spoons are mostly spent.  

I need some rest.


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Stomach Issues & Blurry Eyes...

My gut is still on a rampage,  The diarrhea from those meds isn't settling down yet.  My eyesight is still a mess & these allergies aren't helping any.  I got around today & ran some errands.  I have an follow up appointment with my doctor on Friday morning.  Then I see the dentist the following Tuesday to finish this round of crown & fillings.   

Those are my upcoming plans.  Hopefully, nothing decides it needs to be handled on top of it all.  I need more rest.  


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Home Today...

The dentist appointment went well.  They finally got my permanent crown in place.  Hopefully, it will stay put.   

I've got little to do today & I'm happy for it.  I'm still recovering from all this health mess.   My eyesight is still less than desirable.  I'm hoping it's just allergies.  We'll see,  It's a little brisk here today.   Other than that, it's nice enough today,

Still not much regarding newer articles or research.  I'll keep checking.


Monday, April 10, 2017

Another Dentist Run...

I have to get around early today.  My temporary crown came off again.  I've never had 1 be so problematic.  I'm  hoping this isn't a sign of thing to come with the permanent crown.   This isn't building up trust with this new dentist.  So much for being Bold.  If this continues to be an issue, I'll have to find a new place.  I hate that idea.  I've had enough changes this this year or so.  

Hopefully, this goes well.


Sunday, April 9, 2017

Last Day of Antibiotics...

I finished my rounds of antibiotics this morning.  Yay!.  Those things are not friendly on my system.  I have a followup appointment with my doctor on Friday, to see how I'm doing after all this.  I'm feeling better, but still getting my strength back.    It doesn't help that the allergies are through the blasted roof.  

I didn't see much in the articles today.   I hope everyone is doing well.  


Saturday, April 8, 2017


We have some errands to do today.  So this won't be long.  I think it'll go well.

The trip to the doctor's office yesterday seems to be paying off.  I'm feeling quite a bit better than I was.  Still not great, but way better.  I didn't realize how much energy it was taking to deal with the allergic reaction I was having to the IV's.  The site is still irritated, but a lot of the rash is going down or completely faded.

I guess that's all for now.  Have a good day.


Friday, April 7, 2017


I almost forgot to post today.  Today started out a little rough.  I wasn't feeling the best.  I got around & drove for the 1st time to go get mail.  That went fine.  

I got home, took a shower & noticed the spot where the IV had been a week ago was blazing red & had a rash spreading off of it.  The rash was also on my chest & the base of my neck.

I went to my doctor's & they slid me in between appointments.  I was having an allergic reaction to the IV itself or 1 or the 2 medications they gave me in the hospital,  Weird, it took a week to really show.  

My doctor had x-rays run again.   They turned out mostly clear.  I was given a steroid shot, to help  clear up this reaction.  I hope it works.  The IV injection site is still sore.  I guess we'll see.


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Bad Shopping...

On my 2nd shopping trip since the hospital, things went sideways.  Idiot Walmart's registers weren't working.  There was only 1 cashier in the front using a manual scale to check people out.  The line was huge.  I had to turn around & leave.  We round up at another grocery.  I wasn't up for 2 grocery stores, but I got through it.  I'm spent.

I can't believe Walmart wouldn't just put up a sign warning people of the problem.  I wouldn't have bothered past that point.   But, No, they made me waster what little energy I had on their crapfest of a store.  

I'm tired.


Wednesday, April 5, 2017


The weather is snapping back & cooling down.  It could be down into the 30's tomorrow night.  This isn't being fun for me.  My body seems really sensitive to these fluctuations at the moment. 

I"m still on the mend, but no where near well.  My eyes are staying fuzzed.  I'm way to friendly with the bathroom.  My tastes are so off, it's being tricky to eat.

I don't have much else at the moment.  


Tuesday, April 4, 2017


A week ago, this time I was checking in the hospital.   I'm still not feeling great, but I'm better.  This is going to be a process thing.  I'm still finding layers or soreness & bruises hitting full purple.  My eyes look better, but my vision is still really fuzzed up close..  I'm still having some coughing.  There is also the ever present diarrhea from all the antibiotics,    My arm is still sore where the IV was.      

Hopefully, by next Tuesday, I'll feel like myself again.  

Stay healthy.


Monday, April 3, 2017

1st Shopping...

I did my 1st post hospital shopping this morning.  That was rough & tiring.  I'm not sure how much more I have in me.

My roomie called the plumber,  He said he'd be here later in the day.  I hope this doesn't take very long.  I'd like to get my life back to as normal as I can soon.  

I still feel pretty raw.  I'm having a little coughing.   The meds are a bit overwhelming. Hopefully, the process will speed up a bit.

That's about it for now.


Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Cycle Begins...

It needed to happen, but I didn't want it to.  The lawn has been mowed.  The cycle of mowing has begun.  I know the grass needed cut, but it hasn't been fun for me.  I'm still recovering & all this cut grass & flying debris is being hell on my breathing.  It's left me in a bit of a fog.  

There's not much going on otherwise or in the articles.


Saturday, April 1, 2017


Got off my yard March!  Oh Hello, April, try seriously not to suck. So far, 2017 is trying to suck just as bad as 2016.

I'm feeling a little better.   This morning we got our water-bill, way high.   We knew it was coming, time to call the plumbers.  We need new pipes.  Ouch.  I have no idea how long this will take.

I don't have a lot more than that, until tomorrow.
