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Friday, March 31, 2023

Texas Judge F'ed Us...


Conservative judges have been picking away at ACA since its inception.  In the last few years they've gone after reproductive matters or things that impact the Gay community & trans.  Now an asshat texan judge declared it against the law to require free screening or free meds.  This doesn't just concern HIV, it also hits cancer & other ailments.  

These bastards want people to be in poverty, misery & utter hopelessness.  They're trying to make more babies living in poverty who can't get out because everything is too expensive.  There won't be good educations for these children, the republican asshats have gutted that as well.  These people will be so low, the conservatives hope they'll be happy with whatever scraps they're given.  

The republicans want an impoverished, poor, ignorant theocracy where religion is a mouthpiece about how important guns are & that the poor deserve what they get.  These people are monsters. 


PS - Had out 1st mowing yesterday, that was rough on us.

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