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Tuesday, March 14, 2023



It's been a while since I found another HIV blogger.  I still haven't, but I did spot a TikTok creator who is.   Rather this article talks about him.   OK, let's start with he's way perky for me, but hey if it works for him.  At least he's not trying to fabulous disease HIV like that other guy.  Here's the actual TikTok addy, he goes by Star Boy.  

Like I said, this isn't my style, but I hope this helps him & others.  It's info & it may get to a lot of people.  Also have to remember he's way younger than me, not even 20.  I don't know how I'd handled the news at that age.  My HIV is older than him.

So give the article & the TikTok a chance.  Star Boy's a little pretty in pink in a goofy way, but whatever works for him.  Take care.


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