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Monday, May 2, 2022

So Special...


In the early years of HIV in the US, most HIV+ were categorized as Gay, junkies, social undesirables or unfortunate medical outcomes.  For a long time there  were no meds or even tests.  They didn't even have a  good name for it.  When they did, precious little was there to help a + person.   HIV was mostly a death sentence.  People begged for help, meds & just not to be ostracized.  Even by the time I was diagnosed, massive cocktails were still common & it was thought I'd have no more 5 years.

I live in a rural  area with very little resources & none directly for HIV.   It hasn't been 5 years that I've been able to get my meds locally.  Before, it was a nightmare dealing with ordering meds via the mail.  Now we have telemedicine, before I had to drive 2+ hours up & back to see a specialist several times a year.

Now, there are groups out there demanding special treatment, just so they'll get their HIV dealt with.   Because they're not White or they're trans, they feel they should be treated better those silly 80s & 90s Gays who stupidly got HIV.  F**K them, if they want to understand intersectionality try being a poor, Gay kid in rural Oklahoma in the 80s.  

So sweety, you want pretty words & kit gloves.  Too bad, suck it up & deal with what you've got.  Be happy, these meds & technique are here now.  Be grateful there's anyone even willing to help you at all.  Because in the not so distant past, none of that was there & people just died.  If it wasn't communicable, I'd say just let you die off.  But you wouldn't, you'd spread like needy zombies.

HIV meds are here, resources are fairly common in urban areas.   Whether or not a person uses them is up to them.  Just like whether of not they use protection & practice safer sex.  Like whether or not  they choose not to spread HIV after they're diagnosed.  You aren't special, you're HIV+.

Rant over, take care.


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