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Saturday, May 7, 2022

Not Great Start...


May didn't get off to a good start.  What wasn't  somewhat dreary was in utter downpour.  In 6 days,  we got as many inches of rain.  We passed our monthly rain average of 5".  Our lawn guy snuck in a mowing between bouts.   The yard needed it.  I haven't been able to do any edging.  It's still too wet.  The grass is sparkling.   Maybe later.

After a long, dark Winter & early Spring, this has been hard on me.  I've woke up more anxious than I have in a long time.  This crap weather needs to lighten up.   It's May, but it's dark, wet & chilly.   The forecast says that's about to change.

It's shiny now, but everyone decided to mow on this wet morning.  That's annoying & stupid.  That grass is drenched & there are standing puddles.  I know mowing is necessary.  But stupid people doing it at awful times isn't.

Take care.


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