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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Goodbye May 2022...


This is the last of May.  It wasn't the worst ride, but it could've been a lot better.   I'm tired of looking on the bright side, when things refuse to live up to their potential.  If May had wanted a better review, it should've tried harder. 

There were lots of articles this morning.  They were mostly updates on past pieces or the current states of research.   While informative, not new.

That's all for now, goodbye May.


Monday, May 30, 2022

Memorial Monday...


The last Spring holiday weekend is almost over.  I know that most people look at it from a non-military POV angers some, but whatever.  With everything in people's lives they need a wind down.  I wish more of them would.  Maybe less of them would dicks.

After I get cleaned up, we'll go shopping. We aren't doing anything for Memorial Day.  Mail won't run, so we won't run by the mailbox.  

May's almost over & Spring's on the way out.  1st of the the month stuff starts this week.  That's all for now, take care.


Sunday, May 29, 2022



It's another sunny morning.  Maybe after a few more of these, I won't be so morose in the morning.  That'd be a nice change.  Mornings & I can't even come to a truce.  I hate them & they're never easy on me.  It's always something.   It's usually not big stuff, but little obstacles to muddle things up.  Just enough to darken my mood a little more.

May is ending & most of TV has concluded.  Summer  is pretty much here & I'm not sure how it will go.  I look out the back door at the freshly mowed & think that I should be enjoying it more.  But I'm not.  It's just another thing to be handled, an issue.  Just another thing on the list.

Spring has put a real damper on my mood.  Especially in the mornings.  I wonder if Summer will be any better.  It'd be nice to have a season I enjoyed.


Saturday, May 28, 2022

Last Weekend...


May is just about over, this is Memorial Day Weekend.  The good news is it's warming up & it's a bit brighter.  We've caught up with everything.  The yard work is handled.   

May has been more stressful than it should've been.  I'm not sad to see it go.  Everything feels like it just wants to push all the buttons.  It seems causing problems & stress is the only goal.

Our new glasses got in yesterday.  All the things are handled for now.  That's all for today, take care.


Friday, May 27, 2022

It's A Start...


I haven't felt that well this week.  I had to get up early Monday for a doctor appointment & I've never caught  up again.   A good chunk of the week was dismal, wet  & cold.  I was never warm or cool enough to get comfortable.  

I finally slept well last night.  I woke to bright skies.  It's supposed to be warmer today.  Maybe all the cool  weather stuff can go up for good this time.

We have to go shopping for the weekend.  May's almost over.  I'd like to think June could be better.  But nothing's been better this year.  I guess we'll see.

That's all for now, take care.


Thursday, May 26, 2022

Again With The Drear...


It's hard to get into a season that refuses to exist.  There's less than a month left of Spring & very little of the last couple of months has been seasonal.  It's mostly cool, dark & wet with a few splashes of  Summer heat & lots of humidity.  So far Spring has been pretty sucky.  There's not a lot of May left, I guess it goes in the fail pile like the previous months of 2022.  I don't have a lot hope for the rest of the year.


Wednesday, May 25, 2022



After a week of dark BS & rain, there's a glimmer of light this morning.  Hopefully it will last.   We had over 1.5" of rain yesterday.  Not much else going on here.  Articles have shifted gears.  Now, it's less COVID & more monkeypox, still little about HIV.

More tomorrow. Take care.


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Another Quick Post...


It's a dark, icky morning & I'm still tired.  I had to wake up far too early yesterday for my doctor appointment.  The appointment went OK, nothing unexpected.  

Heavy rain is in the forecast.  We could have 1 - 2".   That'll mean more flooding & probably more bugs.  It's been dark for several mornings.  This is getting rough on me.   I  need some  sunlight. 

That's all I have; an OK appointment, dark mornings & rain.  Oh Joy.


Monday, May 23, 2022

No Time...


I have to be out of here in less than 30 minutes for my doctor appointment.  This is as much of a post  as there will be today.  But, at least something got  done.

Take care & more tomorrow.


Sunday, May 22, 2022

A Dip...


It didn't rain, but it did get a lot cooler.  We're in the 50s this morning.  That's a bit of a shock after the warm days we've been having.  I didn't see much in the way of articles.  There won't be much happening here today.  Tomorrow I have a doctor appointment early & then we'll run some errands.

That's about it for now.  I'll try to enjoy the cooler temps while they're here.  Take care.


Saturday, May 21, 2022



I've been diagnosed since early 2000 & there were mistakes made.  I should've been caught earlier, but previous testing said I wasn't +.  I hadn't been sexually active, so when I did test +, the only conclusion was there'd been an error.

Then there was the horrible process of finding medical  treatment & a means to get meds.   By that time, I no longer had HIV, I had AIDS.  There were mistakes made in my meds early on that left me hospitalized.   The steroid they put me on for lung issues, caused my weight to increase a lot.  My weight has never gone done, my metabolism is shot & it turns out I never had those lung issues.

People diagnosed early can do well with modern approaches.  Those diagnosed late will probably never do as well.  I've never felt great since the 90s.  I'm alive, but sometimes that's about it.

This is a short piece over some mistakes made with meds.  It puts most the burden on patients, but that's not entirely accurate.  Give it a read.


Friday, May 20, 2022

Another Friday In May...


There isn't much happening this morning.   I have to get cleaned up & go shopping.  It's a bit windy, but it's bright.  It's supposed to be warm.  The forecast calls for storms tonight & the next few days.  I'm really over storms.   Can't it just rain?  Why doesn't it just rain anymore?

That's all for now, have a good weekend.


Thursday, May 19, 2022

Mid Month Thursday...


It's a mid May Thursday & we had some plans, but they didn't come together.  That's OK, everyone involved probably needed a break.   Trash is gone for the week. I handled the van's tags yesterday & managed to get glasses ordered.   So far this is do nothing day.  

That's it for now.  Take care.


Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Next Day...


Not much going on here.  The eye exam went well.  I'll order glasses today.  They cancelled my frames, but I found some similar.  

I confirmed my doctor appointment for next Monday.    It's a routine visit. I had to order cat food.   Walmart might get it back in before I run out, but they might not.  If they do, I'll probably buy extra.  I hate hoard & stash buying.  That's all for now.

Take care.


Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Dark, Wet & Appointment...


This will be brief, I don't trust the net or the electricity.  It's dark & there are thunderstorms, great wake up.   It isn't supposed to last long.  Then we have to go to an  eye appointment.  It's been a bit.   That's all for now.

Take care.


Monday, May 16, 2022



It's going to be a busy week.  We have stuff everyday.  I'm glad it cooled off yesterday.  It won't last but it's at least 1 positive thing, when very little has been.  I'm trying to stay in a better mood, but circumstances & things seem to be conspiring to make that a challenging endeavor.  Things seem intent on being  stressful, fractious & petty.  At least it's a bright morning.


Sunday, May 15, 2022



It's finally warm & bright enough for me to shed some of my SAD issues.  Of course that means the rest of the world decides it's time to be difficult & bring me down.  There's the noise of all types, bugs, mowing, crappy social issues, people's complaining, etc...  

I'm just try to tune it all out.  If I don't, I'm going to snap.  These people may have to mow, but I still think they're assholes for doing it before I'm out of bed.   I can only do much about the bugs.  I couldn't do anything about the cat yowling at my window last night.  For people who think it's hot, it's not even really Summer yet.  Don't burn out your griper before  you even get to June. 

I can't do much about a lot of this, so I'll try to ignore it & to every Bruce, F'off.   Stop trying to bring me down.  I finally feel like I'm not withering in the cold darkness.  

Take care.


Saturday, May 14, 2022

To The Point...


This piece is brief but it's worth a read.  The state of New York is providing free at home HIV testing kits.   There is a short application, then the tests can be picked up or delivered.  Currently, this is only for New York, maybe other states will follow their lead.  More testing leads to more awareness & treatment.  It's the best way to fight HIV.  This is basic GI Joe, "...And knowing is half the battle."


Friday, May 13, 2022

1st Of The Year...


It got hot enough yesterday for the AC.  It's not supposed to be as  warm today, we'll see.  I have an appointment next Tuesday for an eye exam.  I'm seeing alright, but my glasses are old & probably need an adjustment.   There isn't much else going on  here, so this is it for now.  

Take care.


Thursday, May 12, 2022



Lenacapavir is the topic of this article.  The article talks about using the med to treat HIV+ patients, all of which had multi-drug resistant variants of the virus. This med is new & not completely out to the public yet.  It attacks the capsid parts of the virus.  This weakens the virus' ability transport, integrate & protect itself.  Currently the med is also being researched as a long acting, injectable PrEP measure.

It's  a goodread.   The 1st version I found was a very jargon heavy abstract that was difficult at best.  This is supposed to be a 2 part piece.  Give it a read.


Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Still Brief...


I'm not sure what's going on but articles are staying in a slump.  There's a lot of refocused rehash & repurposed info, but nothing new.  I wouldn't have been posting much this morning anyway.  Windows had to do another hefty update.  There were supposed to be less of these updates.  

Other than that, we're dealing with warmer temps, allergies, bugs & idiots that think grilling is turning food into burnt bits via a fountain of flaming lighter fluid.  You can smell the lighter fluid across yards & into the house.   They worry cigarettes causing cancer, but  they're fine with eating lighter fluid infused food, go figure.


Tuesday, May 10, 2022



It's a bit of a rough morning as I adjust to more Summery temps & noise levels.  Nothing much is going on here & there weren't any articles worth noting.  

As usual now, we had no real Spring.  We had Winter, the dark, chilly wet season & now the swelter begins.  But hey,  there's been no climate change or global warming.  Denialism is such a stupid way to exist.  Denying climate change, elections results & don't say Gay approaches are just more examples of conservatives sticking their heads in the sand.  While they try to  punish anyone who challenges their fantasy.  

That's about it for now, take care.


Monday, May 9, 2022

Warming Up..


It's warming up & my sleep is transitioning to Summer mode.  I'm no there yet & my sleep was a little iffy last night.  I'll get there.

Finally, I didn't wake to mowing.  Then again it's Monday.  I woke to all of them leaving for wherever it is they go.  It's still better than the sound of lawn mowing.

That's all for  now.  Take care.


Sunday, May 8, 2022

More May...


The May-ness resumes.  There was mowing 1st thing this morning.   I hate that sound.  It's necessary, but I still hate it.  It's sort of shiny this morning & it's getting warmer.

We had company for a bit yesterday.  That's a rare  thing for us.   It's a bit strange for us.  Even the cats were like, "What's going on here?"  

I have an appointment with my primary later in the month.  I need to get an eye exam before it gets too hot.  Other than that, the month will come as it does.

That's all for now, take care.


Saturday, May 7, 2022

Not Great Start...


May didn't get off to a good start.  What wasn't  somewhat dreary was in utter downpour.  In 6 days,  we got as many inches of rain.  We passed our monthly rain average of 5".  Our lawn guy snuck in a mowing between bouts.   The yard needed it.  I haven't been able to do any edging.  It's still too wet.  The grass is sparkling.   Maybe later.

After a long, dark Winter & early Spring, this has been hard on me.  I've woke up more anxious than I have in a long time.  This crap weather needs to lighten up.   It's May, but it's dark, wet & chilly.   The forecast says that's about to change.

It's shiny now, but everyone decided to mow on this wet morning.  That's annoying & stupid.  That grass is drenched & there are standing puddles.  I know mowing is necessary.  But stupid people doing it at awful times isn't.

Take care.


Friday, May 6, 2022



Short post, I need to get cleaned up & go shopping. We have a couple of errands as well.  It's supposed to be sunny today, we'll see.  It'd be nice.

I woke up better this morning & the rain seems to have passed.  We got over 3" & have passed the monthly rain average.  Parts of the yard are still puddled.

That's about it for now.  Take care.


Thursday, May 5, 2022

Worst Wake Up ...


We had more storms.  It looks somewhere between 2.5 - 3" fell last night.  There were already flood warnings in the area.  I'm sure some local parts are swimming, if not submerged.

I think the storms pushed the neverending drear of this season added to my bad waking.  Thanks to weather issues & SAD, I've experienced some bad mornings.  Mostly with stiffness, dehydration & some emotional stuff.  

This morning was different.  I bolted awake for some reason.  I was asleep & then I was sitting up eyes wide open.   I don't know what  happened, but I hate  bolting awake.   Cortisol blared through me.  My  body was tense & my breathing was too quick.   I have no idea why I woke like that.  Nearly an hour later & I'm still feeling it.  

I hate mornings & it's mutual.  Sometimes, it feels like mornings are trying to off me.


Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Another Dark Morning...


May needs to brighten up.  These dark mornings are  doing me in.  Nothing's going to change today or tomorrow.  There are storms forecast from late this afternoon throughout tomorrow.  They're calling for more flooding.  Sleeping last night seemed colder than it was due to all the moisture.  It looks to get Summery warm most of next week & then drop back down to more seasonal temps.  Oh great more up & downs. 

Here's a link from the CDC.  It's some graphics over HIV numbers for various regions of the US.  It's a little simplistic, but still useful.

Take care.


Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Sucky Start...


May is off to a sucky start.  We got half a month's rain in a day of storms.  It's a dismal morning.  The next 2 days are supposed to be  stormy.  Add to that, there's all the stuff floating around about the supreme court & abortion.  Every anti-abortion person should gotten rid of & I don't care how.  They don't care about babies.  They just love suffering.

I don't have anything else this morning.  I found some articles, but they were all rehash or about other areas of the world.  The lack of unrelated HIV articles is annoying.

Take care.


Monday, May 2, 2022

So Special...


In the early years of HIV in the US, most HIV+ were categorized as Gay, junkies, social undesirables or unfortunate medical outcomes.  For a long time there  were no meds or even tests.  They didn't even have a  good name for it.  When they did, precious little was there to help a + person.   HIV was mostly a death sentence.  People begged for help, meds & just not to be ostracized.  Even by the time I was diagnosed, massive cocktails were still common & it was thought I'd have no more 5 years.

I live in a rural  area with very little resources & none directly for HIV.   It hasn't been 5 years that I've been able to get my meds locally.  Before, it was a nightmare dealing with ordering meds via the mail.  Now we have telemedicine, before I had to drive 2+ hours up & back to see a specialist several times a year.

Now, there are groups out there demanding special treatment, just so they'll get their HIV dealt with.   Because they're not White or they're trans, they feel they should be treated better those silly 80s & 90s Gays who stupidly got HIV.  F**K them, if they want to understand intersectionality try being a poor, Gay kid in rural Oklahoma in the 80s.  

So sweety, you want pretty words & kit gloves.  Too bad, suck it up & deal with what you've got.  Be happy, these meds & technique are here now.  Be grateful there's anyone even willing to help you at all.  Because in the not so distant past, none of that was there & people just died.  If it wasn't communicable, I'd say just let you die off.  But you wouldn't, you'd spread like needy zombies.

HIV meds are here, resources are fairly common in urban areas.   Whether or not a person uses them is up to them.  Just like whether of not they use protection & practice safer sex.  Like whether or not  they choose not to spread HIV after they're diagnosed.  You aren't special, you're HIV+.

Rant over, take care.


Sunday, May 1, 2022

May Day...


It's the 1st day of May.  It's a decently bright morning, but I'm not holding out for a good month.   It hasn't happened yet this year & there are thunderstorms in the forecast for the 1st week of the month.  I hope it's a good month, we could use it.  We'll see.

That's it for now, here's hoping for a good May.


PS - 1st's that fall on a Sunday = Jason Day.