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Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Science Won't...


I've come across a few articles lately, that while aggravating, are accurate.  Science won't end COVID, it  hasn't & won't end HIV.  HIV may be incurable, but we've had the means to test, treat & contain it for decades.   Hasn't meant a damn thing in ending  HIV.  It's lowered the fatality rates, but the virus continues to be spread even now.

The same is true with COVID.   We've had the means  to lessen the spread & impact of this virus for a bit now.  It isn't ending this outbreak.

Yes,  science will impact the spread of these illnesses.  But, not enough.  It takes money, a lot of money.  Even with the funds, it takes the willingness of the population.  The group has to be willing to listen, learn & face the problem in a logical manner.  Little of this was accomplished with HIV.  Even less headway has been made with COVID.  Violent, angry indulged ignorance has been the chosen path for many when facing COVID & those trying to fight it.   These people choose violence, hate,  idiocy & conspiracy theories over the facts.  Again, they have made a virus an ideological matter.  A thing of religion & politics. 

Science can't & won't end HIV or COVID.  There are too many stupid, violent indulgent people in the world.  Do your best to keep yourself safe, no one  else will.  Take care.


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