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Wednesday, April 6, 2022

More Light Needed...


Spring is failing on the brightness levels. So far, it's been as dismal as most of Winter.  People need light, we're not mushrooms.   I'm tired of the dark & I've had enough BS.  

Some people are never bothered by the drear.  However, once they are, they are from that point out.   The intensity of the reaction can vary, but I've never  heard of anyone getting past it.

I was the 1st person in our house affected, but now my roomie is as well.   At times it's worse for me.  At the moment, it seems to be getting to her more than  it is me.

It's hard to explain.  But, you know when the light levels are bright enough.  It's like your eyes suddenly stretch & expand a bit.  Then the world's a better place.

Spring get with the damn light already.


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