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Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Another Crap Morning...


It's dark this morning.  It's been threatening rain all week.  It's done a little.  The weather has stayed fairly miserable.  Not quite too warm, but very close.   The humidity is annoying.  I'm waking up stiff, allergy ridden & dehydrated.  April is seriously sucking. 

It's dark enough I had to turn on another light to compensate.  Of course Windows had to update this morning.  To make matters worse, I woke to some asshat mowing.  The sky's dark & rumbling, but they just have to mow.  I know sometimes people need to mow in the mornings.   But I still think people who do are assholes.

So not a good morning & probably not a great day.  We'll handle trash later & maybe some errands.  Take care.


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